Also, I just wanted to confess that the missing parts to my featherweight were in the box, but at the bottom of about 2 feet of styrofoam peanuts in a baggie. I think that they were probably taped to the outside of the case and came loose. I haven't tried it with thread yet to see if it works and sews. I see from the featherweight group that I just joined that some sellers don't differentiate between the two in their ads. I guess to them works means that the motor turns on and it goes up and down, but it may not actually sew. I guess that I will find out which mine is. It does work, and I hope it sews.
Also, if you have visited my blog, you may have noticed that with the help of
Helz from Blue Shadow Pony (I love her blog and it's name) I went to:
http://www.pyzam.com/bloggertemplates and got a new template for my blog. I like the looks better, but now I need to scour around and try to find my little buttons or widgets, or whatever you call them, for the sides. It may be a day or two though, as I hope to at least do some cutting today on my OC.
Fancy new look Candace. It must be the day for it - Patchwork Penguin has changed hers too. I hope you manage to sort out the rest of your page - is the rest of blogger the same? If not, that may be why my advice on how to get your signature up didn't work. Let me know.
I love the new look. Your Orange Crush blocks are great too.
Your blog looks lovely!! also your orange crush block are looking great. Well done!
Congratulations on finding the "missing" bits of your Featherweight. I'm sure you'll have fun playing with it. I bought a FW many years ago at a yard sale. (It was missing the bobbin case, but I was able to find one online.)It's such a cute little machine!
Your stack of finished blocks look so wonderful!!! :) Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)
Love the way your step #4 blocks look! They are so pretty!! Can't wait to see how your completed quilt turns out. This has been so much fun!
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