I get very excited when we get lucky and the Sand Cranes visit our neighborhood. They are big birds probably at least up to my waist. They were here a couple of months ago with babies (probably about knee high), and my brother and I tried to get pictures but missed them. Today I was on my computer and looked out the window and there they were in my front yard. I grabbed my camera, and ran out, and got several pictures, but unfortunately when I came back in and loaded them on my computer they were all blurry. I had my camera on the wrong setting. Here is a link to see a good picture of a sand crane.
You can click on him down at the bottom left.
I love Sandhill Cranes. We have a family that nests in our neighborhood, and we are always having to drive around them to get out. Ours had two babies this year and we were able to see them as they grew all spring. Now you can't tell the babies from the parents.
What exotic birds. That's the trouble with these new fancy pants cameras - they aren't always idiot-proof. Oh for the days of point and press. (I'm not suggesting you're an idiot by the way!!)
Wow! That's so wonderful! The biggest bird we have around here is the Coopers Hawk.
Regarding the cranes, last year we visited in New Port Richey, and the cranes came right up to our condo, looking in the window almost as soon as we arrived !!! waiting for a handout (which we were NOT supposed to do!) We had leftover coconut shrimp, and fed the adults, who did NOT eat it but gave it to the two young birds! How sweet! Yes, they are huge the the beaks looked a teensy bit fearsome, so we ended up throwing it in the air, and did NOT feed them from our hands.
Thanks for the memory!
You sound like me with my camera sometimes, lol. It is too much trouble to find the instructions and I can't remember when I do look it up, lol. How neat to see sandhill cranes in the neighborhood. We have geese that spend time around this area every year. They leave a mess but I love to see them.
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