When we got home, the day got even better, as I had two packages in the mail. First of all, I have been coveting Nicole's Raggedy Old Annie's and so I ordered one about a week and a half ago, she had to make her, and I still received her today. Here she is admiring the contents of my other package, the paraphanalia for my new GPS phone (which worked perfectly twice today, once to Ikea and once back home). I have been ordering my cell phone accessories for years from CellPhoneShop the prices are good, and I like getting mail from Hong Kong. I only ordered it Friday, and it came today, and I got the silicone case, car charger, and outdoor style carrying case for 18.56 total. Everything that I have gotten from them has worked fine.
I know that I am past middle age, but maybe I'm entering my second childhood, because I plan to add more Annies from Nicole, plus I plan to add at least one from Hannies Annies, too. In the second picture, she is resting and cooling off in her new place of honor on the bed in my sewing room. It was a very good day.

P.S. I must say, she is very photogenic.
I have a Raggedy Ann and Andy that my aunt Ruth made. I don't think you're ever too old. That avocado tree is very impressive. I could never get the thing to even sprout.
Candace, Your Raggedy Ann is certainly photogenic and adorable - I'm a real dolly girl and love all whimsy like baby quilts, dolly quilts, knitted baby jackets,etc. We are never too old to get pleasure from the little things in life!
Best wishes - Lurline/Australia.
You're having such fun with all of your new toys. That's the great thing about getting older, you can do these things that you've wanted to do for ages, but felt self-conscious about when you felt you had to be 'grown up'! Glad you made some great purchases at Ikea.
I love Ikea! We got all our kitchen cabinets there and they work great! Thanks for letting me live vicariously through your post. What fun!
" We Don't Stop Playing Because We Grow Old; We Grow Old Because We Stop Playing..." George Bernard Shaw. *Raggedy Annie is Way Cute!
Raggedy Ann is adorable!
I went to Ikea yesterday too. You can read about it on my blog.
I've seen these dolls on several blogs. They're so cute!!
I've seen these dolls on several blogs. They're so cute!!
She sure is a cutie. I also love your blue canning jars, I have collected a few of these when I lived in New York many many years ago. Well I also love your amazing quilts. :o)
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