I seem to be at the mercy of Blogger, as I wanted a different order, but what can you do except go along with the uncontrollable. I recently enjoyed a post by Helz of Blue Shadow Pony in which she shared that her 'biccy barrell' was empty of her DH's favorite treats. I told her that it made me feel like making some Snickerdoodles, and filling up one of mine. She wasn't familiar with them so I sent her the recipe. This got me thinking that maybe I would share my 'cookie jars' aka 'biccy barrels'. I love biscotti, and if I had room, every time I went to Sam's and they had another ceramic biscotti container, I would probably get one, since I don't I have settled for two, the Santa, and the one marked Biscotti. I love the colorfulness of them.
If anyone would like, I will also share my Snickerdoodle recipe. If you aren't familiar, they are delicious crunchy cookies that are very easy on the budget, and mostly things that everyone has in the kitchen already
1 cup shortening
1 1/2 cups sugar
2 eggs
2 3/4 cups flour
2 teaspoons cream of tarter
1 teaspoon soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
Heat oven to 400 degrees. Mix shortening, sugar and eggs. Blend dry ingredients and stir in. Roll into balls the size of small walnuts. Roll in 2 tablespoons sugar and 2 teaspoons cinnamon. Bake 8 to 10 minutes. Makes about 5 dozen.
I love stoneware, and so the stoneware one is one of my favorites. My niece, Beth Ann, is very talented and handpaints ceramics that are sooo cute. She did a goose for herself and her mother, and when I admired them she was kind enough to do one for me. I think my goose cookie jar is adorable. The last is a Waterford biscuit barrell, which I would never have bought, but I got it from work for sales points, and I love it a lot. 

The rather homely little pot with the odd looking little nubs is my attempt to grow ginger. If you have never been to La Gringa's Blogicito it is a very interesting look into life in Honduras. I find it very interesting as that is where my DIL is from. She had a post about growing your own ginger, and she also linked to information about crystalizing it yourself.
...and do you make your own biscotti to put in the barrels???
Sam's? We don't need no stinkin' Sam's! :-)
I love your biscotti barrels. I need one! I made my own biscotti today. Check out my At Home blog for details.
I love your barrels and I'm excited to see that you are growing ginger. I hope you'll let me know how it goes.
I haven't made biscotti in a long time. I need to make some ginger biscotti.
That glass barrel looks like one that I have. El Jefe broke the lid and I've been trying to find something else that might work. Do you have any ideas?
Love your biscotti jars, and I just love biscotti,
I have grown ginger, it grows really easy,I was told you have to wait till the leaves all dry out and look like it's dead before picking it, do you do that?
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