Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Another - Hope it Works Out In The End

I chose to go with greys in place of Bonnie's whites and creams, and I think that I don't have enough contrast between the blues and greys.  I tried swapping out some with the border blocks, and it lightens things up, but I think I'm still going to stick with the original and hope for the best.  Sometimes trying to use what you have just doesn't give enough contrast, or maybe it's just that I don't use good judgement.  Last years mystery I went with some that were too light, and lost some of the pattern, but I still like it, so I hope that I'll still like this one, too.  The pattern is a bit subtle, but it's still there, 'hope it works out in the end'. 

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Temple Bag Zippered Pockets

Not the best job ever, but my linings now have zippered pockets.

So do the back exteriors.  I don't know if the less than stellar job is due to my lack of sleep, but I'm going to use it as an excuse.  My husband has had a little bit of a slow leak type of nose bleed for the past week or two, and last night about 1am or 2 am it changed to a semi gush.  When it hadn't stopped after 3 or 4 hours we sent to the ER.  They stopped it, and we were out of there about 7:00 am.  We stopped by the grocery store, and then came home and I opted to sew and wash, etc. instead of sleep.  I'm getting weary.  (We have to be careful with him, since he is on blood thinners.) 

These last two are the interiors of the pockets.  You have to use your imagination.

Anyway, they're done, and they work.  I used what I had, which was 2 black, and 2 white 14" zippers.  The black zippers are on my bag, and the white ones on my friends.  If you want to go to the source of the QAL, visit My Quilt Diet.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Redo - 42 down, 58 to go

I gave the strip method a good try, and I think that it is a good way, but since I'm an old dog, I have trouble sometimes with new tricks, so I think I'm going to do the remaining 58 the old way.  The tutorial was very good, and the method sound, just not for my comfort level.

PS I cut and cut and sewed and sewed and ironed and ironed, and now I have 102 for my second go around.   They look distorted due to the pin holding groups of 10 together. 

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Clue 2 - Second Time Around

Since my first batch were upside down or backwards, I opted to make another set rather than rip and resew.  I am trying this method from Stitching Circle blog, it seemed easier, and I'm hoping that is the case.  I have six done so far and enough strips cut and sewn together for a total of probably 42.   Oh well, I have almost a week until the next clue.

Celtic Solstice Clue 5, Temple Bag Interior, and Sad Family News

Celtic Solstice Clue 5 finished, but I think I'll probably try to redo Clue 2.  The original backwards ones would make a passable border, I think.

The interiors of my temple bags, light green and pink.  Ironing the interfacing was a bear, and I'm still not certain that all is stable with it.
On a sad family note my 91 year old aunt passed away yesterday.  She lived in Iowa and I live in Florida, but I saw her off and on over the years and I feel sadness.  She had a good life, but she'll be missed.   

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Bah, Humbug!

I've been enjoying my morning, so far, looking at blogs and reading emails.  After looking at the Christmas preparations that others are making, I'm feeling rather like Scrooge, and think I need to turn over a leaf or something.  Tomorrow, I have to take my daughter and her husband for an early morning medical procedure, but after that, hopefully, I can do some last minute Christmas preparations.  I think I can, I know I can, I know I can.   It's definitely uphill.  

(Oh, oh, I just realized that the next step of the Temple Bag QAL comes out tomorrow, I'll have to stay strong and remember my quest.  It's Christmas!)

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Part 4 Celtic Solstice

I scraped together 10 greens, but could only come up with 6 oranges, so a trip to Hobby Lobby was in order.  I got 4 oranges 1/4 yard of each.  Here are my 20 combinations from my oranges and greens, I wonder if I'll get the energy and discipline to actually sew them together tonight.  Maybe not, the TV and bed are sounding better and better.   I already have 27 4-patches, and I think here I have enough for 100 more.  That's 10 wof greens and 10 wof oranges, cut in half to give me the 20 combinations.  

PS    I got a second wind and finished the 100 4 patches, for a total of 127.  A few extra never hurts.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Step 4 Celtic Solstice Out and Started

Twenty-seven little four patches, sewn, pressed and twirled, only 93 more to go.  The ruler is one of my favorites, I use it constantly.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

My Quilt Diet's Temple Bag aka Huge Messenger Bag QAL Flap

Bag flap number one.  I think this is mine since the center isn't matched so well.   Plus, I like purple better than green.

Bag flap number 2.  These are 15 x 18 inches. 

One of the inside flaps, they are both the same.  So far this has been fun, the only thing I'm dreading is the zippered pockets in the batted, heavily pelloned exteriors.  Hopefully, they'll be easier than I'm anticipating, but I know that quilting them I had more thread breakage than I ever have before, that pellon must be a bit of a bear to get through.   I sure hope that my friend likes scrappy.  I think I'm going to send her a picture before I send the actual bag.  If she already has a bag that she likes better, I'm sure I'll find another use for it.  I love scrappy, but I know that there are some who don't. 

Friday, December 13, 2013

My Quilt Diet Temple Bag Quilt Along and Celtic Solstice Part 3 Finished.

My Quilt Diet is having a temple bag or huge messenger bag quilt along and these first two pics are my exteriors. I'm making two.  They are actually 23 1/2 by 31 inches and square  

Not perfect, but Celtic Solstice step 3 is finished.