Monday, January 2, 2012

I Wasn't Having Fun Yet - Rippit - But I Am Now

Here is what I did at first (after the Rippit Rippit).  I thought I was being super careful, but I made the mistake of going by the pictures in the instructions (on pages 1 and 2) without noticing that on the one of the actual quilt that the top left Ohio Star was a light, and on the EQ version on page 2 the top left Ohio Star is a dark.  Luckily, it wasn't that hard to fix, I used the original row 1 as row 3 and made another row 1.  I had marked the top left little string block and the top left of the second row, but I didn't 'look' at them until I had sewn them together.  Oh well. 

Here's a rather grainy picture of rows 1 through 3 sewn together.  If there are any more mistakes, I don't know if I want to know, lol.   As I had mentioned in my post "Is This What It'll Look Like"  I am going to make mine bigger, about 92 by 102 I think that I had figured and after seeing the first 3 rows, I think it'll look just fine in my bedroom.  I think that my colors won't even look that crazy.  I sure do miss my design wall that I lost when I changed from my little sewing room to my big one.  What happened to my wall space.  Pictures are a lot less wonky when you have a design wall.

As usual if you want to see what everyone is doing on their Orca Bays, go to Bonnie's blog here and take special notice of Forest Jane's Orca Bay badge I think she out did herself this time.  It's a beauty.
I couldn't help myself, I had to add it here.  Didn't I tell you it was a beauty.

I think that I'm calling mine "Sunrise Sunset" as the song from "Fiddler on the Roof" keeps going through my mind, and I don't really have any orcas.  I like the chorus, too:

Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2011 Finished Quilts

I've been seeing these collages around the blogs and thought I'd jump in.

Is this What It'll Look Like

I hastily laid a few parts out before church this morning and I must say, it will be busy, but I think I'll like it a lot.  I want it to be a bit bigger for my queen sized bed, and so I think I'm going to add more borders.  Another plain, a piano key, and another plain.  Something like the one (a bigger view here) here.  I'll use a black print for the inner border that Bonnie has given us, and then I'm going to go mostly blues and purples for the other 3 borders.  I'm thinking blues (maybe predominently Kona Robin's egg) where the example in my link has white, and purples where they have multi colors.  Bonnie said this one is 74.5" x 84.5", so with my additions it should bring it up to about 92 x 102.  That would be a 2" border, 6" piano border, and another 3" border.  My Iowa (Carolina) Christmas is about 92 x 92, so I think that 92 x 102 would be about perfect.  I like the width on Iowa Christmas, but wish it was a bit longer.   Again, thank you to Bonnie for her generosity and another great mystery.  She never disappoints.   I'm so glad now that I've finished my Iowa Christmas that I've overcome my fear of bigger quilts and can make another for my bed.  The one I was using was smaller than I would like, and I'm ready for a little change. 

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Step 7 Complete and the Mystery Soon to be Revealed

Step 7 is complete can't wait for step 8 and the answer to the mystery.  Thank you to Bonnie for giving it to us early.  This is rather orange overload, as it is laying on my Orange Crush. 

I was thinking as I was stacking up all the parts that that is half the fun.  It is so rewarding to stack up all the little piles that we have worked on so diligently and to anticipate the beautiful quilt that we will have.  (Those who went with Bonnie's colors are assured of a beautiful quilt, mine is a little bit in question at this point, lol.)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Orca Bay Step 6 Finished

Step 6 is finished with a few hours to spare.  I'm ready for step 7 and hope that a little more blue or some purple will cool things off a bit.  For some reason the camera is washing out the blues, they are bluer than they look in the pictures.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Step 6 Sample

Thought I'd try a couple of samples, It's gonna be wild, I think "Orca Bay Crazy Lady" may be appropriate.  
PS  I've still only made the 2 sample blocks, but hope to make more soon.  It probably won't be today, Monday, December 26th, as DH has a Dr's appointment in the city (Orlando) and then we are going to Gainesville to visit my brother who is in the hospital there.  It will be a busy day.  I can't wait to make more.  For a look at some real progress visit Bonnie Hunter's blog here .  Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and that your New Year is happy and productive.  

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Orca Bay Step 5 Finished

350 (plus a few extra) step 5's finished.  I should be working on Christmas, but instead I worked on these all evening until 2:00 Am last night.

Then today I got up and started working on them again about 8 AM.  I just finished about 6 PM, although I stopped for a few hours to go to DH's doctors appointment, to our LQS, and to a local restaurant to share one of their giant 8 ounce hamburgers.  Now, on to Christmas preperations. 

Monday, December 19, 2011

Step 5 Orca Bay Sample

I've made 3 of the little guys from Step 5.  The Christmas season has caught up with me and I've been designated as Christmas hostess for the family.  I hope step 6 isn't too intense, maybe I can do 2 steps next week, lol.   Here's where you can go to see progress on Bonnie's Orca Bay mystery step 5 in progress.  

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Orca Bay Step 4 Finished

Finally finished my 128th triangle about 15 minutes ago.  Just in time for step 5 tomorrow morning.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Slowly, Slowly Step 4

Since my colors are out there, I figured that this guy adds a little Orca and Christmas atmosphere.   I find string blocks slow going and have to force myself to get to them.  So far I only have 31 of my triangles but I hope to finish before step 5.  Last week I broke a tooth, and today I have a dentist appointment (yuck), and Wednesday I am meeting my brother from Georgia at the VA hosp in Gainesville, Florida (about a 2 hour ride), where he is having a test, and we'll probably have lunch with him.  I'm sure other things will come up, but I hope to finish. 

Here are my crazy colors all together.  I think the flash washed out my purples a bit, but they are still far from the norm.  I hope not too far.  Not knowing what Bonnie has in mind, but wondering if she has something different in mind as to the blocks and settings, something that really showcases the orcas (she has mentioned a couple of times things that made me wonder)  I'm thinking that to be in the Orca Bay mold I may need to do a small black and white inner border, or maybe some type of black and white sashing or sashing and cornerstones.  Sometimes, it's fun to put a little of your own stamp on Bonnie's beautiful patterns.  Sometimes, (like with my colors) it may be necessary.  

OOPS, I almost forgot.  If you would like to see everyone's progress on Orca Bay, or at least many blogger's progress, go to Bonnie's blog here.