Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Enough Table Toppers?

See why I had to make one more.  The pie safe on the right was looking very bare and the three table toppers on the left were looking kind of top heavy. 

The Dresden plate side on the drop leaf table my brother made for us for Christmas a few years ago. 

The flash kind of washed this one out, but it really looks better in person.

The one that started it all. 

The kitties aren't showing up too well, but I knew that with my cluttery style of decorating, it was bound to happen.  

And the one more.   They all have red white and blue on the other sides, so probably the end of may I'll flip them all over.  These should do me for a little while, I do plan to make more (hey, I have dressers and night stands) but first I need to catch up with my BOM's and quilt-a-longs.  
After that, I need to get my brothers request quilts done. 

My Living Room Needed One More

I put out some of my new table toppers and the room was kind of lopsided, so I decided I needed one more.

Yay, more green scraps for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  My brother asked me a couple of days ago if I'd make a baby quilt for a friend, so I agreed to do that and to do a lap quilt for another friend.  They will be simple, but hopefully will be well liked.  I'm anxious to get started.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Last One, At Least for Now

My coffee table runner is finished.  Tomorrow, I'm hoping to get my living room cleaned up and put all my table toppers and table runner to use.  About 20 by 48 inches. 
PS  I was just thinking that this would make a nice door banner for the Fourth of July.  Maybe, next year.

The reverse.  Spring Wonky Strippie.  I was going to make a green and a purple.  Then I thought why not combine them and use the green part for RSC.  I really wanted the blue binding for the flag, so I decided why not green, purple and blue.  It's still springy, at least I hope so.

My finishes of the past few days.  Not bad, plus I used up a bunch of scraps of fabric and batting. 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Table Runner - What a Surprise

This is one side of the table runner I'm making for my coffee table.  I think with the other red, white and blues that I've made this year that The Fourth of July will be well represented.

I'm not sure if pictures like this should be tall or wide. 
Collage of a group of collages, the table toppers that I have made this year.  You'd think I'd had enough, but I still have a few spots, and then there are always holidays. 

Friday, April 5, 2013

April Rainbow Scrap Challenge and Hiddenwells Goof Up

This is what a hiddenwells looks like when the blocks are put together wrong, oops.  I don't feel too bad though, it will be mostly covered up with a lamp and knick-knacks.  This one is only about 21 by 21 inches. 

And the reverse side.  I didn't do as well as I would have liked centering it, but I promise, it is square, although it doesn't look like it here.   This side fits right into Angela's Soscrappy, which you can visit here to see lots of green, as it is the Rainbow Scrap Challenge color for April. 

Since I made my hiddenwells smaller, I got 5 cuts out of each stripset instead of the usual 4.  With the leftovers I decided to make mug rugs.  These are only about 5 by 9 or so.  These are the first mug rugs that I've made, I always wonder if they are actually useful.  I wonder if anyone really uses them.  I made 2 and this is the front and the back.   I can do better when I take time, but these were hurry up jobs. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Hiddenwells Table Topper Finished

It's not great, but it is finished.  It's about 35 1/2 by 35 1/2 inches.  Two more red, white and blue smaller table toppers to do and my living and dining rooms will be ready for summer and the Fourth of July.

I always try to do reversible, and this is the other side.  I think it'll do nicely for part of spring.  It has to share with St Patricks and Easter.   I guess technically Valentine's is still winter, but it seems like spring here in Florida.  
For more Finish it up Friday posts visit Crazy Mom Quilts here.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Progress on Table Topper

The back of the table topper is ready, yes, it's wonky, it's supposed to be. 

I went to our new Hobby Lobby and picked up this fabric for the border of the Hiddenwells side of the table topper.  With a little luck, tomorrow I can finish it.  I should be working on BOM's and RSC, but I'm off on another tangent.  I still have 2 more smaller tabletoppers to figure out and make. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Misc., Hidden Wells, China Cabinet, Sandhill Cranes and Vomit, Oh My!

Just one more picture of my Throwing Up Scraps (Scrap Vomit), all washed and crinkly and on my bed with clean sheets.  DH is enjoying them all now. 

We decided that some more red, white and blue on the tables in the living and dining room would be nice when our friends get here, so this is No. 1.  Another hidden wells, I think it's going to be nice.  This one will have borders and the reverse I decided will be purples.   Maybe another wonky log cabin, as that takes the stress out of trying to get things centered. 

When my husband was in the hospital we received the little Shar Peis as a gift from our grandchildren in Germany.  I promised a picture of them in use, it took me long enough.  They have magnets in their lips (do dogs have lips).

The sandhill cranes were right in my front yard, the closest I've been to them.  I was only about 10 feet away, I would guess.  I need to get some corn or something from the feed store, maybe they'll visit again.   They make a racket, I decided that they sound like pinking shears cutting thick fabric, but much louder. 

Two of my favorite things, the big birds and my car. 

Monday, April 1, 2013

Throwing Up Scraps (Scrap Vomit) Finished

My second large finish for the year, and it is large.  I don't mind that it will shrink a few inches.  I haven't run it by DH yet to see if he thinks it's too busy for our bed.  If yes, it'll go back on my sewing room bed after washing, if no, my Easy Street will come in here and this one will go in the master bedroom.   The back is just a sage green flannel sheet, it was a king set, so I had a good start, but still had to do a little piecing.

It sure is nice to have it done.  the fabric in the bottom right is my two coin quilts, they will be next after I do April's BOM's and RSC. 

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Redneck Dingbat Quilter has a Tutorial and a Giveaway

If you'd like to see how to make this, and maybe even win one, go here.