Monday, August 15, 2011

Mostly the Same

I wanted the two bow tie quilts to look the same but different, but even though the fabrics are all different except for the bow tie backgrounds and the inner border, I'm afraid that they look mostly the same.  Anyway, I now have 3 flimsys to quilt, I'd better get busy on the last 2 bindings and backs and then get to my basting and quilting if I have a hope of finishing them by the end of the month. 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

First of Two Bow Tie Flimsys

The first bow tie flimsy.  Mistakes a plenty in here, but hopefully it'll be liked anyway.  She won't know the corner bow ties were supposed to have been turned differently, etc.  It's funny, they will probably look almost alike, but only the backgrounds of the bow ties, and the pink inner borders are the same fabrics, everything else is different fabrics.  I'm curious to see how alike they look.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Can I Do It

I have kept to my goal thus far, of at least one finish per month.  Nothing yet for August, and it's already the 13th.  This stack will be two bow tie quilts, everything is all cut out and ready to go.  You can't see them very well, but at the bottom of the stack are the (30) 12 inch completed what I call circle bow tie blocks.  Here are 6 of them.   There is nothing done about backs yet though.  By the way, that little tool on the far left is one of my favorites.  It's just a little approximately 1 1/4 inch wide wallpaper roller, but it is also my heatless iron for doing my seams on string blocks and such.  It works pretty well.
This quilt is for Tucker, who was born a few days ago.  Since this picture, the top is a finished flimsy, the back is done, except for the label, and the binding is done.  Also, the pillowcases are completed for the siblings.   The question is, with the way that I have been working on one thing and then the other, can I finish something by the end of the month?  Can I accomplish my add on goal of finishing all three by the end of the month?   I have 2 1/2 weeks to find out.  I've already googled C'est la vie  and am practicing it, just in case.

This baby rabbit hopped out of a bush while my Grandson, Micah and I were mowing the yard yesterday.  He caught him and was going to try to keep him, but then decided he better put him back.  He was adorable though.

My grandson, Micah, is pretty adorable too, he's my birthday buddy born on my birthday, only 50 years later.  He's my daughters son, and another one of her sons is my husband's birthday buddy, born on his birthday.   These last two pictures were taken on my blackberry, so they are a little sub par, even for me.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Back to the Bow Ties

I was going to make one bow tie quilt from 140 blocks which would have finished 60 inches by 84 inches, no borders. Now I think that I am going to make 2 quilts with 60 blocks each for the centers and 4 blocks in the border for a total of 64 blocks. I plan to use sashing not positive of the size, but I think probably 1 1/2 inch finished, then a 1 inch small border and a 6" outer border. Ill do a bow tie in each corner of the quilt border. If my figures are correct each quilt will measure 56" by 83". Also, since I already made the 140 bow ties, I'll have 6 blocks each to use on the backs.   According to my figures, which I think are correct, making 12 inch blocks from sets of 4 bow ties, I'll have the 15 blocks that I'll need (3 blocks x 5 blocks) and then using 1 1/2 inch sashing, I'll need (13) 2 inch strips or about 1 yard of fabric for the sashing.  Using (6) 1 1/2 inch strips for the small border, I'll need about 1/3 yard, and for the 6 inch finished borders, with the bow ties in each corner, I'll need (7) 6 1/2 inch strips or about 1 1/3 yards.  Clear as mud?   The top fabrics are two different whites for the sashings, the pink is for the small border, the florals for the 2 large borders, and the bottom fabric for the binding.  I'll need about (7) 2 1/2" strips for each binding, by the way.   I have a one time co-worker and her daughter, who I have been wanting to make quilts for, and I think these will be perfect.  Very similar, but a lot different, too. 
PS   Or maybe I should make myself a cute little 12" x 36" tablerunner.  Decisions, decisions.
PPS  My math was faulty, I only had 4 leftover blocks, not 12.  Bye Bye tablerunner. 
PPPS  08-13  I found the other 8 bow ties.  I thought that I had already made 15 - 12 inch blocks, but I had made 17.  The tablerunner is back on, lol.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bright Colors for a 'Happy' Change

I wish that I had gotten these fabrics at the beginning of the 36 patch.   Connecting Threads had two of their fat eighth sampler packs on sale for less than nine dollars, with 21 different fabrics in each one.  Each set of two fat eighths is enough for one block, plus a nice little strip about 3 inches of each left over.  I thought that these nice bright colors would be just right to add a little 'happy' to my 36 patch blocks.   I also decided that I'm going to add sashing and borders to my bow ties and make them into two quilts.  I've had a mother-daughter duo in mind for quite a while to make quilts for, and I think they would be just right.   It seems the quilting wheels are always turning, either that or as I had mentioned last post, I'm wishy washy.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

More Blue String Blocks

My first 12 string blocks for my Roll Roll Cotton Boll 2 blue version.  They aren't the greatest string blocks, I blame the undersized paper, but they will be ok I think.  I don't know what to work on now, I'm in RRCB mode, and I need to work on my bow ties and 32 patches (not to mention my Paintbox nbr. 2, Iowa ((Carolina)) Christmas, Amy's 2010 BOM, etc.), but the baby was born this morning at 9:12 central time 8 lbs 6 oz., 20 3/4 inches long.  Tucker Alan Carson.   Hmm, I could probably finish the baby quilt in a day or two, have my August finish, and then vacillate some more.   I'm really good at vacillating, I might even say I'm downright wishy washy.

Friday, August 5, 2011

It's Ok to Look Now

It occurred to me that regular readers of my blog may have had the urge lately to come over and smack me.  I was afraid that one more bow tie might have done it.  So, I decided to work a little on my Roll Roll Cotton Boll Nbr. 2.  These are my first 4 string blocks, only 26 more to go, somehow that doesn't sound nearly as scary as 56 more to go, lol.  I got the idea of using the blues from another blogger, right now I'm having a senior moment, but when I remember the blog I'll give credit to my inspiration. 

These will be the colors of my RRCB 2.  The pinks and browns will still be there, and the strings will be light blues.  The dark blues will be for the 300 tiny half square triangles and some of the blocks themselves.  Not sure exactly how much will be blue.  I'm anxious to see how it all looks together.   Now, back to my bow ties maybe, last time I sidetracked to my RRCB I ended up finishing it.  I figure either way, I will have a finish for August, as the baby is due anyday and the baby quilt is ready to go just needs the date for the label.  Have a nice weekend.

First 6 Blocks

I got up early this morning to do a few blocks before I have to get ready for my routine Dr's appointment.  These are my first 6 12" blocks assembled, but not sewn together.  I will have a total of 35 blocks for the quilt top 60" by 84".  A generous sized couch quilt.
I couldn't decide whether to sort them by backgrounds or colors, but my curiosity about how many of each color I ended up with got me and I sorted by colors.  I had the most by far of blues, so I divided them into dark blues and light blues.  I also had quite a few purples and greens, but nothing like the blues.  The least was orange.  It surprised me that as much as I like orange and pink, I don't seem to have that many of them.  Is it because I don't pick them in the stores, or that the stores don't have that many either?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Last Batch

Last batch, batch number 8.  Now I have my total of 140 blocks to assemble for my bow tie quilt, which if my calculations are correct, will result in a quilt about 60" x 84".   

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I'm sure that I had more than plenty of warning if I had read it, but I didn't and I only have parts 1-3 of Roll Roll Cotton boll printed.  I was having problems with my printer so was just using the instructions from my computer when I was finishing up my first RRCB.  I wonder if I can wing it if I get right to it.  It's a good chance.  I have the first one to compare it to, and I have quite a bit of it already done.  I think it's worth a try, but it is a big OOPS.