Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Even Mediocre Meandering Can Be Magic

My Borgasmord is half quilted now, if you can see, it's pretty much right down the middle.  I know that pretty quilting is much 'prettier', but I couldn't help but think as I was quilting that even mediocre meandering, which is my specialty, I think I may apply for a copyright, can be rather like magic to the basted quilt.   The raw materials are starting to disappear and it is becoming a 'Quilt'.   I might give in and send mine out to an expert longarmer if money were no object, but I'm rather glad that I do my own from start to finish as it it fun to see the transformation (plus, I'd have to do many fewer if I sent them out).   Anyway, my Juki is too noisy to watch TV or even to listen to a  CD while I quilt, so I was back to thinking this morning, you are up to date on my philosophy of the day.  
PS   I didn't mean to say that meandering is mediocre, just my non-artistic version of it.   Mine isn't all pretty and even, I have pointies and usually lots of crossed threads. 


Katie M. said...

I think this quilt is stunning - I love scrap quilts as all those scraps have stories of other things to tell. And I agree with the meander quilting... just perfect for it.

Amanda said...

Sometimes meandering is all a quilt needs, it lets the fabric and pattern tell their own story. I feel the same about sending quilts to a long arm quilter, it's so expensive and I'd feel that my quilt would need to be perfect to justify it.

Quilter Kathy said...

I love the texture that appears as another design element once it is quilted...one of my favorite parts of quilting. So I would be sad to have someone else get to experience that magic! Even if it's mediocre magic, I still love it!

Amy said...

Candace, you (and your philosophies) make me smile. I LOVE your quilt. It is yours; you did it all! And all that money you are saving on the quilting can be dedicated to fabric. Win-Win! :)

Jan Maree said...

I think your meandering looks great!

Jan Maree said...

I think your meandering looks great!

scraphappy said...

There is nothing mediocre about a good meander and the magic it does to make a quilt seem more like one thing and less like a pile of different fabrics.