My DH is getting a new computer for his Christmas present, and don't you know that it was due to get here the day we left on our little mini vacation. It all worked out though, as my daughter, who we were taking with us, got sick and the trip got cancelled for now. She just has a cold, but DH has a low immune system, and we didn't want to take the chance of him catching it. He keeps them forever and gets sicker than most people. Maybe next year. After all the stress of what are we to do, the computer came today, a day early. I hope that he likes it, it is Vista and neither of us are familiar with it. We did get a book yesterday, and hopefully all will be well.
P.S. Christine of Once upon a Quilt.... is having a one year giveaway check out her blog.
Oh what a shame, I'm so sorry your trip had to be cancelled, but it's better to be safe than sorry and hopefully you'll be able to re-arrange it for next year. It just gives you longer to plan thanksgiving though, and more sewing time. I like the top you've shown, the narrow dark border looks great.
I love your quilts Candace. Wish we were closer then you could slap them on my machine and free motion to your hearts content. Blessings and hugs, Marie
I thought I had commented, but no I haven't - anyhow - lovely, lovely! Love the colours!
Hugs - Lurline!
It is a beautiful quilt! Take your time for quilting, it will turn out fine!
Hello Candace, you have made a beautiful quilt.Bad luck that your trip was cancelled. Take Care Regards Lyn
This is so pretty. I don't know how you guys can give away your masterpieces.
This is a very pretty quilt.
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