My brother in Georgia called this morning, he had been to a thrift store and gotten 3 nice shirts for .75 cents and remembered that I had asked him to keep an eye out for me. He went back in and got 23 shirts for me for $5.75, which is just .25 cents each. He got some that were flannel, and some cotton, but he knew to get all 100% cotton. One of the ladies there had told him that they needed to clear them out as they had more coming in, but when he got mine and told the other lady what they were for I guess she got kind of an attitude about them being cut up. The other lady was there and she stuck up for him and said they were just glad to be selling them. He had the right idea though, he told them that shirts would be worn out and done with, and my quilt might be still around in 100 years, and be an heirloom. He hasn't seen my quilts, lol, but I think it was great that he knew the right thing to say. He is a woodworker, and knows the value of crafting whether with wood or fabric. There are some pictures of tables he has made on my blog. I'm afraid that he is better at his craft than I am at mine, but we both get satisfaction, and that is very important.
Your state blocks are really looking good. What a find on all the shirts and how nice of your brother to think of you. Thrift shops here in WA cost a lot more than what he paid. I've got my husband looking for me so far no luck.
Oh what fun! I see the Hawaiian hibiscus there. :-)
How lovely to 'see' you again! The blocks look so good, but I'm trying to work out what 56 blocks of that size plus sashing will look like - I think it's going to be enormous once it's done! Your brother sounds very thoughtful, and how lovely to be able to buy shirts so cheaply. Our charity shops are much more value conscious here, and charge at least £2.99 (that's about 4 and a half dollars I think) for one shirt. They're usually more than that - it probably wouldn't work out any more cheaply to buy shirts than to buy new fabric!
We also pay more for shirts here in Canada. If there is a 50% sale at goodwill, I go early and look for cotton sheets and fabrics, and have found a few denim jeans that I make bags for groceries. then I use the pant legs for smaller bags, all in all the jeans are used 100%.
Am going to Florida in Jan/Feb and will certainly shop goodwill.
Your quilts for all the state blocks will be really large. It will also look fabulous when done.
These are beautiful....wonderful colors...Maine
Shirts for just a quarter. Wow, what a great deal! I pay almost 3 at our local Goodwill, although they have certain color tags on sale each week for half off. I've had so much fun with the shirts though, and the quilts are very soft and snugly.
Now you know your quilts are very good. Your brother's tables are to die for. Such talent in your family! LOL funny that that lady didn't want you to cut up the shirts.
The blocks are so beautiful! What is the finished size of the quilt?
I'm with everyone else ... thrift places here are expensive. I stop in once in awhile but never have any luck. That's going to be a beautiful when you're finished.
I'm with everyone else ... thrift places here are expensive.we would have to pay $2-3 each sometimes more for the shirts which makes it too expensive..
Love the blocks..
YOur state flower blocks are coming along great!
How fun to have a brother who knows how to shop for you and understands your craft. :-)
Hi Candace, the state flowers blocks are so pretty. You have been a busy gal.Thanks sof rstopping by the blog and the sweet messages you leave. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and many blessings and hugs, Marie
Candace, I hadn't realized that these were all machine embroidered. I went back through some of my old emails, and sure enough you mentioned you had a Janome. I joined that yahoogroup you mentioned, I'd like to get better with my embroidery too. How did you add the outline of the state? Well, they're really cool, and nice deal with all the shirts too.
What beautiful work.
I love all the colors.
Best regards.
Candace, Thanks for checking out my Blog, I like your also!! I like your signature, I need to figure out how to do that. I like your quilter blogger link also.
where did you get the state outlines for the flowers? That looks like a great addition. Your blocks all look great.
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