Saturday, April 5, 2008

Learning Curve

I guess I'm not doing as well as I thought at this new blogging learning curve. The last post was supposed to have a picture of my Bargello Bowl, so I'll try again.

Bargello Bowl

I think that it was the first day that Quiltvillechat was organized that I joined. Unfortunately, due to life I didn't get started on the first mystery, Carolina Crossroads, right away and am still lagging behind. When Bonnie came up with the idea of the Bargello Bowl, I thought that was something that maybe I could join in on, and I finished that in a semi-timely manner. I was happy with how my scrappy one turned out, and before it was back from the LA'er, I heard that one of my SIL's was having a knee replacement. It sounded like the place that it needed to go, and she has since received it and called to say that she really liked it. It's nice to have something you made appreciated.
I liked it so much that I think that it is back on my list of future quilts.
One of the nicest things about quilting is the people you communicate with are so nice and willing to help and share. Bonnie is one of the most giving, and I appreciate the beautiful patterns and helpful methods and hints that she shares.

Friday, April 4, 2008

New to Blogging

I have been resisting blogging. I have enjoyed all the blogs that I have visited and am not sure that I am up to snuff, but have decided to give it a try. I am neither a prolific writer or quilter (crafter), but I enjoy the process and I guess that there is no time limit to come up with something wise or helpful to others (or just to rattle on).
I retired from a large companies business office back in March of 2006, and in September of 2006 my mother, who had been ill for about a year or so with ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) agreed to come and live with us. She lived in Iowa, which she loved, and we live in Florida, which she doesn't love so much, and it was hard for her, but became necessary as it was harder and harder for her to live by herself. She has grown progressively weaker, and now my brother, who retired this year, is staying here indeffinitely to help. My mother loves having him here, and my life has become easier, as my husband was willing to help, but her modesty prevented it. Now, I will have more time to quilt and to blog.
I have been married to DH since June of 1964, which is probably before much of the population was born. We have only 2 children, but they both believe in big families and so my daughter has 6 children and my son has 5 from his first marriage, and 2 stepchildren and a now 2 year old from his second marriage. My blog won't be a specialized just for quilting blog, but will be about quilting and family and a little bit of whatever comes to mind.
If I get the nerve to actually tell anyone that I have a blog, thank you for coming to visit and putting up with my learning curve.
This could be fun.