Saturday, November 12, 2011


I had a suggestion from a kind lady at Quiltvillechat to use cream instead of black for the neutral as it would give the eye a place to rest.  (I had already considered that, but the suggestion sent me to my camera)   Now I've got four choices, and I haven't even tried "green" instead of blue, which was another thought.  I can drive myself crazy.   This is an edit to an edit, I originally started out with only one photo.

A few changes have occurred over the past few weeks.  One, I started my job with XBox, and quit my job at Xbox.   It just wasn't for me.  My stomach hurt constantly from the stress, and I'm just not a gamer type, and I felt that I wasn't doing justice to XBox or their customers or myself.  I know that jobs are scarce, and I am not sure that I did the wisest thing, but it is done, and my stomach isn't hurting anymore.  I do need to think about putting in some work applications though.   My daughter's quilt is almost all quilted, but then I ran out of thread.  I had purchased a spool of the King Tut number 929, and I think that I gave it to my daughter and she thinks I didn't.  I have reordered, so probably in the next few weeks it will turn up at one of our houses.   I have been debating trying to take part in Bonnie Hunter's new mystery.  I had an order all filled out for Hancock's of Paducah and then thought that I would be better off to see what I have.  I'm not sure that I'm going to participate, but if I do these are possibly my fabrics.  Then again, maybe orange instead of yellow, or maybe creams instead of black or maybe.........    PS  I added the orange, just to see.   

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Yet Another Gator Quilt

My son-in-law loves the Florida Gators and so does my new granddaughter.  My daughter wanted to do something extra nice for Christi's Christmas this year, so I think you can guess what she came up with.  Yesterday we got everything cut out, and today after some machine problems she sewed and sewed.  Here is the result, a top complete except for the borders.  I wanted her to be in the picture, but she said she didn't have makeup on, so she is holding up her creation.  We are under a time restraint as we start training this coming Wednesday for our new jobs, and she is going to have different hours and different days off (after training) from mine.  We will have to work something out.  Also, Christi will be here for Thanksgiving, but not Christmas, so that also means hurry every chance you get.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

New Sewing Room, Office, Guest Room Combo

There are a lot of pictures in this post, but I love to see pictures of sewing rooms, so I hope that they won't be too many.  My old sewing room was about 11 1/2 by 13, and this one is about 16 by 23 feet, so you'd think lots more would fit, only it doesn't seem that way.  I pretty much got everything in, plus a couple of chairs, but I don't see where I can fit a design wall in this one, so I guess I'm back to a design bed.  My new job requires me to be hardwired to the internet, so it was necessary that I move into what was formerly the family room and DH's office, and he move into my sewing room.   We even had to give my daughter a recliner that wouldn't fit, go figure.  This view is from the door that goes into the kitchen, the closet and laundry area are to the right.

This is the wall on the front of the house, the opposite end from the closet and laundry.  I did have a computer in my sewing room and in the family room, now I have two in the same room about 10 feet from each other.   My laptop is on the little laptop desk that my brother made for me.

This is my new office area, and it backs up to my sewing cabinet and Bernina 1130.  The cabinet also hides lots of black spaghetti wires.

The closet is on the left, and the laundry on the right. 

Looking into my office area to the right.  My embroidery machine is on the grey cabinet beside the bed.  Can you tell that I like to know what time it is?  There are at least four clocks in here.   I also have a thing for garbage cans, I think I have 6, but what the heck they're cheap.  It makes for more efficient working.

Looking into the desk that I will work from.  I didn't realize it was so smeary until I took this picture.  I have since wiped it down a bit.  This desk is actually a small oak farm table, but I bought it about 28 years ago to be my desk.  How long before it can be an antique, lol.

Another view from the dining room door.  I got to keep the 50 inch TV.  My laptop desk is on one side of it, and my cutting/ironing table is on the right.  On the wall to the right of the TV is my Small Strip Twist that I made out of leftovers from a grandson's quilt to cover the fuse box.  It is from Bonnie Hunter's pattern.  My Daughter and three of her son's came to help and the boys said that "grandma" has baskets under everything.  What can I say, I like to quilt and they are a necessity.   They came this past Sunday and put in about 4 hours.  It's Thursday and we're still working on it.  Too much "stuff".

The funny shaped conglomerate of tables, two wooden oak typing tables of the same vintage as my desk, and the two folding plastic tables are where my Juki lives, and where I quilt.  Leah Day recommends this configuration, but that it be against a wall.  I don't have a wall, but hope that it will still work out ok.  My Janome Platinum is between the Juki and the cutting/ironing table.  It used to be in the family room, and hasn't moved.  I have four machines in here, the Juki for quilting, Bernina for piecing, embroidery machine, and my Platinum, I think that I'm pretty well set up as far as machines go.  I also have a featherweight on top of the bookcase.  It works, but I don't use it as of yet. 

Another view from the dining room door.  I do have more floor space in here.

Looking into my new work area.  It also holds much of my stash.  It was a quick move, and I'm not well organized as far as areas.  My desk area is mixed with my stash area, my embroidery area isn't very close to my threads, etc.

View toward the dining room door.   The cabinet by the door was already there and I kept it and my DH's bookcase.  He got my bookcase, cabinet and TV.  The quilt rack is new and holds my Roll Roll Cotton Boll, and my Christmas Unstrip Road

I made this double hourglass block this morning, the only sewing that I've done in a week or so.  It's from 'A quilt block a day'  from facebook.  This particular version is from Cluck Cluck Sew.

I didn't use the home made template that she recommended though.  I used this as recommended by Amy and Bonnie.  I made this sample block with 2 1/2 inch strips and the block ended up 8 inches finished 8 1/2 inches now. 
As an after thought I remembered the inside of my closet. 

The batting, quilt top, king sized flannel sheet, and the container they are sitting on are going to be my Iowa (Carolina) Christmas.  Hopefully, I will get to it soon I think it's time that it was on my bed and not "closet clutter".   I made the top when it was a mystery, but now it's in Bonnie's "Scraps and Shirttails II".   Here is a picture of it without the borders, which are in the container above.  It's huge.

Looking to the right of the closet.  The closet is about 3 by 7 feet.

Looking to the left of the closet.  That's the tour.  If you are still with me, I hope that your eyes haven't glazed over. 

Monday, September 26, 2011

New Job

Things have been crazy here.  I got a job.  It's work at home on the computer and so I've been trying to get my working area prepared.  My sewing room is becoming my husbands office, and our family room where he had a corner is becoming my sewing room.   We had a lot of help getting started on the process, my daughter and 3 of her boys came over yesterday and helped for about 4 hours, but there is still a whole lot to do.  It's getting there, but the old bones ache and slow things down, lol. 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Rocker in Use

Dominic shares his new Rocker with his friend Handy Manny.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Mackenzie's Rocker Cushions and Small Quilt to Match

My daughter and I worked on these together also. 

These pieced backings are a lot more trouble as they are like a puzzle, but I think this one is kind of cute, and it's all leftover flannels so is soft and cuddly.  the cushions are also pretty cushy, 4 layers of fabric and 4 layers of batting.  The seat has a layer of carpet liner to keep it in place, but it gives it a little more cush, too.   I like the feeling that I was able to use bits of this and that to come up with something that is also cute.  It is all leftovers except the cushion fabrics and the quilt front. 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Misc. Pictures

My previous co-worker sent me a picture of her daughter with her quilt.  She had some dental surgery and wasn't supposed to lie down, so Laura brought in a chaise lounge, and she looks very cozy in the chaise lounge with her quilt.  Hopefully, it brought her a little comfort along with her ice pack.

We met my son Robert and his son, our grandson, Kevin at Cracker Barrel today, had a nice breakfast, and gave them their quilts.  here is Kevin's on his bed.  They had a fire a while ago, and have an apartment now, but didn't want to replace a lot of stuff, so their beds are on the floor, for now anyway.  My son seems to like it that way, says simple is easy to take care of.  

My son's room with his new quilt.  His wife is out of the area right now, and when she's back, of course he will have a fancier room.    

Today was Dominic's birthday party, and his chair was ready.

He was having a very good time.  

Sometimes it's nice to see the things that you have made and given actually in use and many times you don't get to see them.  This time I was lucky enough to get some pictures, so I thought I'd share.
Also, I'm shamefully behind in answering and acknowledging comments, and I intend to rectify that soon.  I apologize and will catch up.

Another Quickie Strippie

This is for Mackenzie, who will be 2 in December, I don't think she'll have to wait that long for these though.  The teddie bear fabric matches her rocking chair cushions that are in progress, also.  Like Dominics, this will be about 42 by 42 inches.

This is the scrappy flannel back.  It is 'different' but cozy.   Again, piecing the back and the batting take longer each, than the front.  I'll also use scrappy binding.  Again, also, these are extra fun because my daughter and I are making them together for her grandchildren and my great grandchildren.  It is a labor of love with someone I love, so very special.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Finishes for September and 15 Days Left

My Crazy Mom Quilts 36 Patch Quiltalong quilt is finished and will be given to my son, probably this weekend.  I asked him if the flowers would be ok, and he said that since he's a married man it shouldn't be a problem.  Both of these quilts are about 60 by 84 inches. 

This is my grandson Kevin's Turning (Twenty) Twelve.  I figured that if his dad was getting one, so should he.  I thought the light might be better outside, but 'artfully' arranging was out of the question.  Every time I touched them, they fell. 

Here are the backs.  I got a king sized flannel sheet on sale, and added some leftover flannel to it.  That navy flannel shows and picks up everything.  I figure that if they just lay them on the floor, they'll never have to vacuum again, lol.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Small Finish

The little Gator quilt for Dominic is finished.  DD came over last night and after a few suggestions from me began her first free motion quilting.  She went like a house afire, and I told her that her quilt pattern should probably be called 'Slinky', as it reminds me of the children's toy.  It worked, and it is finished, but since she has more quilting to do she figures that she needs a less intensive pattern of quilting, so I'm going to send her some You Tube links to watch.  I think she did well for a first attempt by someone who had previously not given quilting done by herself a thought.