where there is absolutely free a new state flower or a filler block each week until you have 56 finished blocks and a queen sized quilt at the finish. I had gotten a bit behind, and so Sunday I did the 4 embroideries, and today I finished up the blocks. I added the state outlines and the flower names, the flower names because I am horrible at flowers and would never have been able to identify them later. The Arizona block just came out this week, and I am anxious to do it, as it is a beautiful cactus and I like cacti. I had wanted to do a state flower quilt, but the designs I have seen were expensive up to $200.00 and more, so this is a wonderful thing to me. Now, I need to get busy on quilting my Turning Twelve. I was thinking this morning that I keep putting it off because of fear, and I need to take a lesson from Nike and just "do it". I will be mowing this morning, but I plan to work on it this afternoon or evening, and hopefully, I will have a finish to share soon. I seem to be the world's worst procrastinator.
Also, for any of you ladies who machine embroider, I tried my new electric screwdriver with my hoop and it was wonderful. It got it nice and tight, but not too tight, and my hooping stayed flatter and nicer as I was handling it less. Then when it was time to undo it, it was a snap, so no more sore fingers.
The one I got was from Sears, less than $40.00, model 9-11398. It is small so it fits a ladies hand well and very light, almost cute. After all, I am female, and I like cute even in tools. When we went tool shopping my grandson was with us, and he said, "you like little things don't you grandma?". He was right.
Lovely blocks. I went to the site and it looks like they have 4 blocks up. How many have they done so far? I did sign up to join the group. I have a Pfaff 2140 that I use for my embroidery. How did you add the state outlines? They are looking good can't wait to see your whole quilt done.
Those are seriously good looking blocks; I should think the finished quilt will be stunning. I take it you've used your machine to do the embroidery. I think you're right about machine quilting, just grit your teeth and do it has to be the best approach.
I don't have a machine embroidery unit. That's another whole set of expenses with threads, design programs, etc. But I do admire what people can do with the embroideries.
The state quilt is really nice. A great project and not very expensive, huh!
It's raining right now. I think Florida has had enough!
Very nice! Can't wait to see the end results - and of course vt's ;) LOL
Keep up the good work! :)
I love the blue flower square, blue is my favorite colour,
i shall look at this site Thankyou so much
Hi Candace
That is a great idea....the stae flower quilt....being an aussie I had never seen anything like that before! It will be lovely when finished. You are very lucky tohave so many states....wouldn't work in Australia....well it could be a wall hanging here!
When I come back from my weekend away you will have that turning twelve quilted! Can't wait to see it!
Take care
I just love the State flower blocks! You have inspired me to do one. I like the state outlines. Where did you get them?
Kyquiltlady - You didn't have an email address and I was having trouble on your site, but if you will send me your email address, I'll be happy to get you the info or go to their sister site and it is in the messages.
I hope you do them, we can compare.
Ok I joined it :) And in reading the emails I got when I joined I see they're going to do the state birds too!!! Very cool. Hubby is buying everything I need for it as far as background fabrics and threads as they come up because he wants the quilt of flowers to hand in the Education Building of his work. Now if they start the birds too I can do 2 different ones- brownie points for me :) Thanks for the link !!!
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