Sunday, December 8, 2013

Rissa's Quilt Border On

Not sure I like the border as much as I hoped to, but it's on and I hoped it would bring out the gold in the sashing.  Now, waiting for an order of batting, so will work on Celtic Solstice part 2 before I worry about the backing.  I am running through my head if I'd rather use the sashing material for the binding, or make it a scrappy binding, since it is a rainbow quilt.  Hmmm, when you're a quilter it is always decisions? decisions?, you know what I mean.  Also, I don't plan on putting wedding dates etc., but was thinking of the year and a short saying that could be applied to a wedding, or just life.  More to think about while I work on part 2.  

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Rainbow Scrap Challenge - Rissa's Quilt

A server where we eat was married a few months ago and I told her I'd make her a quilt.  I decided that I had enough of these RSC blocks for a decent sized quilt, so tried to think of an arrangement that had some kind of plan and this is what I came up with.  At first, I thought I'd use some RSC nine patches to make a border, but then decided that sashing and cornerstones might make it more mainstream.  I don't know if it did or not, but it is what it is now, lol.  Then, I decided it still needed something, so I decided to do a small border and off to Hobby Lobby I went.  That is, off I went after my husband and I went to a small town Christmas parade and watched it from my daughter's yard.  He has felt so bad for so long that it is really nice to see him have a good day and get a little enjoyment out of life.   He still felt well enough to drive home the short drive from Hobby Lobby, which was something else that he enjoyed.  He has driven very, very little in the past year, luckily he is very careful not to drive when he thinks he's not up to it.   It's amazing how little it takes to make a good day when you have had so many bad ones.

The fabric on the bottom is what I came up with for the border.  I hope they like it, it should finish up about 64 by 94 before it's washed, probably a few inches shorter after washing since I'm not a prewasher.   And now, I'm going to hook up with Angela's Soscrappy RSC linky here.   I have been very behind between company, husband's health issues, and lots and lots of bags, so I'm glad to get something done on the RSC.  I still have to catch up, and need more colors on some of my projects, but I will get more done.  
Oops, I almost forgot, I did do 16 brown scrappy nine patches too, but I'll skip the picture.  I needed more 9 patches for the border I was going to do, but then changed direction.  

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Step One is in the Bag

Or in this case, in the box. 

Not a super amount of scrappiness, but it'll be ok.  I'm ready for Friday's clue.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Celtic Solstice Part One

I decided to go with Bonnie's colors, only for the background I'm using medium grays.  It got the husband vote over whites and creams.  All cut out here, not a super amount of variety, but it'll still be scrappy and who knows, I may pick up more fabrics as I go along.  I just realized, I went to scraps first, but I passed by my 1/4 to 1/2 yard pieces, there could be some treasures in there, lol. 

My first twenty done, I still have some work ahead of me.  The little tool is what I'm using instead of my iron.  Bonnie is finger pressing, and this is my version.  I did use an inexpensive little wallpaper tool that I got at Home Depot, and it worked, but I was amazed how much better this works.  Wish I could remember where I purchased it, but I know it was online.  Thank you to Bonnie for another fun mystery, I'm loving it so far.  
If you'd like to see what everyone is doing, visit Bonnie at Quiltville's Quips & Snips link-up party here.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Deck-ade the Halls Finished

Deck-ade the Halls is done.  The picture below has crazy colors, but you get the idea. 

Add caption

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Afghan, Mystery, and Bag

I asked my son if he'd like an afghan like he had in his youth, he said yes, so I finished this one in record time, and it will be in the mail tomorrow.  Hope he likes it. 

Wasn't sure if I was going to do the mystery this year from Quiltville, but I was at a fabric store the other day, and got these for half price with another 25% off, so I guess, I'm in. 

I don't have the big stacks of fabrics that many are showing, but between what yardage that I have and my scraps, I think I'll come out ok. 

I thought when I did number fourteen bag that I was finished, but I gave mine away, so here is number fifteen, so I have one, too.  I 'really' think that this was the last.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Number Fourteen

I only meant to make one Christmas bag, and instead I just finished number fourteen.  I hope it's the last of the group.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Last (?) Christmas Bags

These bags are for a thank you gift. Hope they are a hit. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Two More for My Daughter's Daughters

My daughter liked hers, and so two more were in order.  One for my 22 year old granddaughter, and one for my 10 year old granddaughter.