Saturday, June 8, 2013

More Yellow(ish) Blocks for the June Rainbow Scrap Challenge

January through June of Rainbow Scrappy Trip Along.
And the June Rainbow Scrappy Trip Along.  

Kaleidoscope for June.

This months 16 patches, 6 inch finished 9 patches and 4 1/2 inch finished 9 patches.  As you can see, I'm having to reach to find enough yellowish scraps, I'll just pretend that it gives them character, lol.
Maybe others are working with yellow, not yellow(ish) fabrics.  To see visit SoScrappy here.   Ad I did last month, I'll probably be finished with the RSC until the last week and then I'll so my June wrap-up.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Craftsy Re-Piecing the Past - Shiloh

One down, the Craftsy Re-piecing the past, Civil War blocks.  I anticipated this being one of the most difficult and labor intensive, I hope I was right.  

It's getting there.  One more actual block and then the fillers and borders.

A Little Progress and Plans

I pretty much wasted 2 days watching quilting videos (they're like potato chips) and playing on the computer, but this morning I got some cutting done.  I'm ready now to start sewing on the Craftsy Re-piecing the Past, the Craftsy 2012 BOM, the OKCMQG BOM, the Sugar Block Club BOM and the Craftsy 2013 BOM.   It would be really nice if I were to have them finished by Monday and then I could concentrate on the Deck-ade the Halls step 2 and maybe have the rest of the month to concentrate on the Quilty Barn Along and making a topper for my husband's dresser. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

First Yellow(ish) RSC

Yellow doesn't seem to be one of my most plentiful colors, I already had to rob a little from stash.  As always, visit Angela at Soscrappy to see more. 

Friday, May 31, 2013

Deck-ade the Halls, Step 1

My colors are a big departure from the colors in the original quilt, and I loved the colors in the quilt here, but I'm using stash so mine will be very different, yet I hope, still very cute.  The colors are off here, the background is actually Kona Snow.   These were fun to make, time consuming, but easier than I had anticipated.  I did have to recut some because I read it wrong, and I had to do a little ripping, but that was carelessness on my part.  This is only step 1, so if you want to give it a go, the info is here.
PS.  In my haste , excitement, or carelessness, I'm not sure which, I left out the 2 strips between the gingerbread men.  I have since fixed it.  

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Craftsy Re-Piecing the Past - Civil War Blocks

Yea!   Last May block done.  I'm caught up finally.  My son and one of his daughter's may stay with us some next month or July, so it could be short lived, but for now, Yea!   I'm feeling rather like I'm already a bit overwhelmed, but I am just itching to start the Deck-ade the Halls and the Quilty Barn Along, what's the matter with me, am I a glutton for punishment.  

Meanwhile, a mock-up of Lessons 1 thru 7 of the Craftsy Re-Piecing the Past - Civil War Blocks. 

Winding April and May Down (Finally)

I decided not to do the Craftsy 2012 April BOM as I don't enjoy making the hexies, so I substituted two blocks from Delaware Quilts BOM.   This is the first one.

And this is the second.  I probably should have used a solid blue, but it should blend in in the final quilt, there'll be lots of other blocks to take the attention away.

And here are the lot of them, April and May's Sugar Block Club and Craftsy BOM Number 2, 2012.  The bottom two on the left are the Sugar Block Club blocks.   Now, only one block left to do, the Civil War block from Craftsy.  It is the cabin block, so I'm rather looking forward to it. 

Monday, May 27, 2013

April and May Sugar Block Club

Whew.....  Just 3 more blocks and I'll finally be caught up with RSC and BOM's.  Two more blocks to replace the April Craftsy BOM hexi blocks, and the house block for the Civil war Quilt. 

Happy Memorial Day!

First of all, Happy Memorial Day, to all who celebrate it.  I'm so grateful for all who have sacrificed for our country. 


Not a very productive week-end for me.   I have a couple of Sugar Block Club blocks cut out, but these are all that I finished.  These are the May Craftsy 2012 BOM blocks.   I skipped April, but will do a couple of blocks to replace it.  I didn't enjoy the hexies that much, so decided it's my quilt, so I can improvise.  

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Update and more Travelin Crayon Cases

Tucker got his bag and his mom said "The bag hasn't left his arm since we showed it to him, I'm anxious to see what "treasures" I find in it.  Thanks again.".   He's in to a tub of frosting, his most important food group according to his mom.  She's taken up cake decorating and it looks like tucker approves.  Good thing his bag is washable.  Tucker will be two in August.  She also said "The girls LOVE their gifts!!", so I guess that they were a hit.
I'm enjoying this tutorial very much.  We are invited over to my sis-in-law's on Monday for dinner and I imagine that her 2 granddaughters will be there.  One is elementary school age and the other probably middle school or early high school, and I thought I'd make them one.  Here they are all loaded up with little lined journals, stickers, markers for the younger and colored pens for the older.  Hope they like them. 

All tied up and ready to be gifted.  I'm the world's worst bow-tier.