Sunday, September 11, 2011

Last Minuter Quilt

This is Dominic.  He will be two soon.

I decided to make a small quilt for Dominic to cover with when he rocks in his new rocking chair.  It's leftover University of Florida Gator fabric, and will be about 42 by 42 inches.

The back was more time consuming to put together than the little top.  Piecing backs is like a puzzle.  I'm hoping that my daughter will be able to make her first attempts at FMQ on this.  She is not really interested in being a quilter, but does plan to do a quilt for Christmas for her stepdaughter.  We need this quilt for Saturday, so I may have to do it myself. 

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Rocking Chairs

My grandson David  is engaged to Dominic's mama, so almost officially Dominic is my DD's GS and my GGS.   Last week we started his rocking chair cushions, and today we finished it.  It is cushy with four layers of batting, and has a square of carpet pad on the bottom to keep him from sliding about.  His new Grandpa will be putting the chair together this week (right now it has no legs or rockers), and his second birthday party is next Saturday, so we are almost ready.   Today we also started the cushions for our little Mackenzie's rocking chair.  We are early as her second birthday isn't until December, but it will just be a bit early.   We also have little Cecilia GG child number three, but she is still too small for a rocking chair.  I'm saving the pattern for next year though. 

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Kevins Turning Twelve Even Though Hes Seventeen

My son did want my Crazy Mom Quilts 36 patch quilt along quilt, so then I got to thinking.  My grandson Kevin lives with his dad, he's sixteen, and I haven't made him a quilt yet, so I thought one was in order.  I knew it had to be a quick one, so this is a Turning Twenty pattern, I only used twelve fat quarters, so I call it a Turning Twelve.  Original, huh.   They had a fire at their house a while back, so they are living in an apartment, and the furnishings are sparse.  This will brighten things up and keep him warm.   I have a set of king sized flannel sheets ordered in navy blue, and that will be for the backs, so I'm at a standstill for a little while.   This quilt also will finish at about 60 x 84 inches.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Quilts and Pillowcases Received

My nieces three smallest girls with their pillowcases.  The littlest discovered they could be used for clothing, sort of.

Baby Tucker with his new quilt.
DH woke up about 3 am on Tuesday with chest pain, so we made a trip to the ER.  They admitted him, and he was there for 3 days.  He had a TEE echo and the doctor said that everything was looking better.  He still has to have another cardio cath on Tuesday, but if it still looks better his open heart surgery may be postponed indefinitely.  We are certainly hoping for the best, and appreciate all the prayers and good wishes for him.  He came home last night, and is sure enjoying being out of the hospital.  The cardiologist said he wasn't sure why, but the valves seemed to be leaking much less.

Monday, August 29, 2011

It's a Flimsy

Finishes at about 60 x 84 inches.   I offered to finish it for my son, but haven't heard back from him if he wants it or not.  I texted him about 3 hours ago, so I hope that he hasn't seen it yet.  If he has to think about it this long, I hope that the answer is no, lol. 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Last Five Blocks

Back to Crazy Mom Quilts quilt along.  These are the last five blocks of the 35 blocks for the quilt along quilt.  It'll be about 60 x 84 inches.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

I Couldn't Wait for September

This is the daughter's quilt.  They are finished, and will hopefully be in the mail Monday, after they are washed and packed.
The back, but if you compare it with the back below, you can see that my camera lens was fogged up due to going from the AC to the hot and humid outside.

I just wanted to show that on the first back the top and bottom are opposites of this second one.  I used two sheets and just swapped them up a bit.

The mother's quilt.  I hope they like them, they are about 57 x 84 I believe, so plenty big for a nap or reading or to take on a trip, etc.
Not very good lighting, but I was afraid to wait if I wanted to take them outside, as it will probably storm later.  Sorry.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

August Finish

I have my finish for August, Tucker's baby quilt.  Now I just need to get the quilt and the pillowcases for his brothers and sisters in the mail.  I have my first bow tie quilted, and the second one one-third quilted, but I'm not sure I want to finish them until the first of September.  September will be crazy, as DH will be having a heart cath and stint and heart surgery.  Don't know when yet for the cath and stint (or is it shunt), but he is scheduled to go in the hospital for the heart surgery September 18th.  It would be nice to have my September finish done the first of September.  Looking at the letter of my goal, not the spirit.

You probably already guessed that this is the back of Tucker's quilt.  It is plaid flannel, but I figure that his dad will like that, he likes flannel shirts.
PS  That's Goofy at the bottom trying to swing into the plant.

New Rocker

Her birthday isn't until December, when she will be two, but the rocking chair is an early present.  Isn't she adorable, even with bed head, lol.  I think she needs some cushions, a pillow and a little quilt.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

New Blog to Visit

I've mentioned my friend Ruth before, she is my new quilting buddy.  She now has 3 quilts under her belt and is working on several more.  She is retired, but has two jobs and also makes time for traveling, babysitting her great-granddaughter, and lots more.  In other words, she is an interesting person and she's started a new blog here.  I know that she would love it if you visited and left a comment.