Friday, March 20, 2015

More Santa Blocks

Set 2 from my 5 sets of boo boo blocks.  Set 10 of all.

Set 3 from my 5 sets of boo boo blocks. Set 11 of all.
The original, and set 1,2, and 3 of my boo boo blocks.  Not too bad, still look scrappy, not too matchy matchy, I think.  But, just in case, I ordered some more sale Christmas fabric from Hancock's of Paducah to use for my last 12 of 90 blocks.  Hopefully, I'll have enough left, with what I already have and what I have ordered, to make a third Christmas quilt.  I have 3 queen sized beds, and would like one for each.  I have my Iowa Christmas, from Bonnie Hunter's Carolina Christmas mystery, so I'm getting there.
My Iowa Christmas (Carolina Christmas)

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