
Saturday, September 6, 2008

Design Wall

Not much sewing going on this week, but I did get a small design wall put in my sewing room. I don't know how useful it will be, it is a little hard to get at since it is behind my cutting table/ironing board, but I have hopes that it will be of some use. I had none before, just the bed and the floor, so if it works, it will be easier on my back. I keep trying to improve my space, and I know that it isn't perfect, but I do like to spend time in here, it is balm to my spirit whether I am on my computer, or sewing, or just watching television and thinking about sewing. On one of the groups that I visit there was a discussion about sewing rooms versus sewing studios, and there were opinions given, one of which was that people who felt that their skills were average or less felt that their spaces were sewing rooms, as people with more confidence in their skills had sewing studios. I think that there is truth to that theory, in my case at least, I'm not oozing confidence, but I sure do like my sewing room, and am grateful to have one. Sewing is my hobby, and I admire the work of those who excel, but I am happy to be plodding and improving.


  1. I used to think that the studio/room difference was a matter of self confidence (or snobbery!), too. Then I GOT a sewing studio. Yes, it was a room that could have been used for a bedroom, but it was a BIG room. Separate bath. Walk in closet (full of floor-to-ceiling shelves by the time I was done with it!). Lots of light, a design wall to swoon over and big ol' tables where ever I wanted them.

    When we bought our most recent house, I was again in "one of the bedrooms" - and shoved into literally 25% of the space I had in my studio.

    It was in this little sewing ROOM that I made my most impressive quilt ART to date (and I'm not in a hurry to top that), so it's apparently not the quality of work or artsy-fartsy-ness of your work that determines studio vs. room.

    In my case, at least, it's purely a space issue.

  2. I agree with t. I have a sewing room and it is tiny - like a very small bedroom. I would feel awfully pretentious calling this little space a studio!!

  3. hmmmm...interesting thoughts to ponder! My space is definitely a "room".....and unfinished basement room at that! :0) And I agree with you 100%----it's my space, I truly find myself relaxed and feeling better after having spent some time in there at the end of a hectic, stressful day. EVEN MORE, I enjoy NOT needing to pick up projects all the time like I used to when my sewing space was the kitchen table and living room floor :0)

  4. I used to have a sewing room - though I called it a study since it got used for all my different craft work as well as paperwork. It was our smallest bedroom, which has now gone back to being a bedroom whilst we try to sell the house. A study for myself is at the top of the list of essentials for when we move though, and space for a design wall seems like a great idea. If we have the space I might even let Christopher have a study of his own too!

  5. I have a sewing room and I'm very happy with it. Sometimes I would like to have a bit more space, but what matters to me is that it is my domain and I feel fine there. A design wall helps a lot, I use it all the time!
    Thanks for your kind comment on my blog!

  6. I have a sewing room aswell. It's the smallest bedroom. Unfortunately it doesn't have enough room for me to have a design wall. I normally use our bed in the room next door.

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  7. I do not have a sewing room or studio... I have a sewing area LOL I have my cutting table(folding table that can be shoved in & out of closet), my sewing table (a small computer desk) in my bedroom. I have hung cutting utensils from the walls and used a holiday wreath hook to hange up my cutting mats from the closet doors. My "design wall"... my curtains! LOL I pin my "design" to my curtains. I used to use the floor, but a certain wonderful furpet put a stop to that! :) I have found that it is not space that limits quilting it is my own lack of belief in my self :) Happy Quilting to all!

  8. You are a real sweetie Candace! I like your sewing is like mine, comfortably cosey with everything you need. Most of all it is all yours!!! Enjoy it!!! Jo xx

  9. I have a sewing room. We have a spare bedroom for visitors. My sewing room is mine unless we need two rooms to house visitors. Then my tables and sewing machine are taken down and stored until my room is available again. My room has the best view in the house! (overlooking Pearl Harbor...watching ships come and go!) Woo Hoo!

  10. Wove your Wraggedy blog title :-)
    Thanks for visiting my spot and your quilts are marvelous, stop giving yourself lefthanded are woman hear you howl. Sharyn/KalamaQuilts

  11. I always feel a sense of calm when I go in my sewing room. I think a lot of the name thing is age related; only real artists had studios when I first learned that word, lol. Whatever you want to call it, it is our place and you will find regardless of the size of your design wall you will use it. Even if you only put up 3 blocks at a time, it is helpful to see what you are doing.
