
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

My Mini Quilt Wall (Walls)

I had to go dig in the garage for Easter things to find this one.  It was the only one that I had done before, and it was probably 15 or more years ago.  I figured I could probably handle eggs.  This one is mostly hand quilted, and was when I was using polyester batting.  It is nice and soft.

Here's the long view coming in from the foyer.  It is through my sewing room, as the living room part of the living room dining room combination is now my sewing room.  I sure do hate people coming into my often messy and always cluttered sewing room, but I do feel fortunate to have one.
These are mostly from SewCanShe's year long mini wall quilt sew along, although the bookshelf is from Don't Call Me Betsy, and the one on the top left of the china cabinet was because I needed 1 more for that spot.

One wall didn't seem like enough, as you can see, it takes the corner.  After Christmas, I feel like most of us are looking forward to spring, so I tried to use my spring and then summery mini quilts.

Then, back into fall.  

A little better view of fall, the little one was my bonus quilt.  Thank you to SewCanShe for a fun quilt-a-long, and to Don't Call Me Betsy for sharing her bookshelf mini.  I'm a sucker for the $.98 salt and peppers from Cracker Barrel, and the cross stitch is one I did many years ago for my side of the family.  There's a bigger one for my husband's side, there were 5 kids in his family and only 3 in ours.  
PS  I know this might be way too busy for many people's taste, and they may end up that way for me, but I figure that I put them up with the Command Damage-Free Hanging things, so if I get tired of them, I can always take them down easily, unless Command Brand lied.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Candace! Your mini quilt walls are awesome. I bet people come to visit and browse like they are in an art gallery! ❤️
