
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Working Along on Step 8 of Easy Street

Sixteen Blocks all stacked up and waiting to be sewn.  I decided to use the same yellow print on all my block centers, I was looking for a yellow with pizzazz, like a bright yellow Fairy Frost or such, but didn't have any in my smallish stash, this was the best I could do. 

I had to finish one block A this morning just to see.  This is a block A, one of the 4 triangles, and 2 of the 16 triangles.  Sometime while I was getting to this point I got a glimpse of my blues and thought that reminds me of Blue Willow or Blue Danube, or some of the blue and white dish patterns that I love.  Then I thought yes, this is what I was going for, shabby chic, sort of.  But, alas, I was lying to myself,  I didn't have that much forethought, but this small sample is giving me hope that that is what I'll end up with, and I think I'm liking it.  It remains to be seen if my cream Fairy Frost was a mistake that won't show up at all.  I hope not.                                                                                     

The other 15 A blocks sewn into strips, pinned and ready to be blocks.


  1. I can't wait to see the finished quilt, and yes, I thought the blue and white reminded me of the collection of blue and white jugs that I inherited from my mother.

  2. The block stack idea is brilliant!
    Sharyn in Kalama
