
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Step 5 finished, Alycia Quilts, Quilt of Valor Mystery Quilt-a-Long .    Also, my Holland quilt is basted, so won't be too many days before I have a finish for September.


  1. Beautiful, look at all that quilting showcase space.

  2. Looks great, Candace! I agree, lots of real estate for quilting - can hardly wait to see what Kimmie comes up with in her October class ;-)

    I'm a little late to this QOV Mystery Quilt-a-long party, just discovered it a little over 24 hours ago, but I think I can get caught up before next week's clue.

    Looking forward to seeing yours all finished, should be gorgeous like all your others!

  3. Very pretty! I wanted to do this mystery but just didn't have enough time :(
