
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Misc. Pictures

My previous co-worker sent me a picture of her daughter with her quilt.  She had some dental surgery and wasn't supposed to lie down, so Laura brought in a chaise lounge, and she looks very cozy in the chaise lounge with her quilt.  Hopefully, it brought her a little comfort along with her ice pack.

We met my son Robert and his son, our grandson, Kevin at Cracker Barrel today, had a nice breakfast, and gave them their quilts.  here is Kevin's on his bed.  They had a fire a while ago, and have an apartment now, but didn't want to replace a lot of stuff, so their beds are on the floor, for now anyway.  My son seems to like it that way, says simple is easy to take care of.  

My son's room with his new quilt.  His wife is out of the area right now, and when she's back, of course he will have a fancier room.    

Today was Dominic's birthday party, and his chair was ready.

He was having a very good time.  

Sometimes it's nice to see the things that you have made and given actually in use and many times you don't get to see them.  This time I was lucky enough to get some pictures, so I thought I'd share.
Also, I'm shamefully behind in answering and acknowledging comments, and I intend to rectify that soon.  I apologize and will catch up.


  1. Candace, the quilts are beautiful and I am sure going to be well loved and appreciated by their owners. You do lovely work.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oopsy! I meant Dearly Candace - sorry!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  4. You're so right about the pleasure of seeing one of your quilts in use. I was tickled pink to see my niece's quilt being used last time we visited, even though it was rather grubby and in need of some running repairs - which I carried out whilst I was there!

  5. the quilts look fabulous in use and I agree - I would rather see my quilts tattered and faced from lots of use than pristine and folded in a cupboard!

  6. The quilts you made all look wonderful. Whenever I give a quilt to someone my first instructions are please use this quilt!
