
Friday, August 5, 2011

First 6 Blocks

I got up early this morning to do a few blocks before I have to get ready for my routine Dr's appointment.  These are my first 6 12" blocks assembled, but not sewn together.  I will have a total of 35 blocks for the quilt top 60" by 84".  A generous sized couch quilt.
I couldn't decide whether to sort them by backgrounds or colors, but my curiosity about how many of each color I ended up with got me and I sorted by colors.  I had the most by far of blues, so I divided them into dark blues and light blues.  I also had quite a few purples and greens, but nothing like the blues.  The least was orange.  It surprised me that as much as I like orange and pink, I don't seem to have that many of them.  Is it because I don't pick them in the stores, or that the stores don't have that many either?


  1. I saw your blog on the list at Musings! I love your beautiful quilts and thought you might be interested in a giveaway I'm sponsoring for quilting supplies1 Stop by if you get a chance! Loved seeing the Sandhill crane, too! WOW! ♥

  2. Great blocks Candace - thi must be fun to work on.

  3. Hello Candace, I enjoyed seeing your blocks...looking forward to seeing your progress...Warm Regards, Lyn
