
Friday, February 4, 2011

Cecilia Marie's Quilt Done

Cecilia's is ready in time for the shower tomorrow.  She isn't due until March, but I don't get to see that branch of the family very often so it will be nice to delver it in person.

The back isn't super girly, but I was with Marcy my DGDIL and she assured me that she thought the plaid was cozy.  I added the panel down the center with pink angel bears to make it more girly, and as Marcy said, I think it is cozy.   It is from another flannel sheet set that was on sale at Target.  The twin top sheet was enough for this quilt and baby Landon's too.  His is basted and ready to quilt so it will be done soon.   His father had told Marcy that they expected to be home from the hospital yesterday, but now they are hoping for today.  Poor little guy.  I'm sure his parents must be stressed and exhausted.

It's a little hard to put everything that I would like to on the label with the embroidery machine, but hopefully this will suffice.


  1. Beautiful quilt, I love seeing the back of quilts too :) I love are so good for putting them on your quilts :)

  2. Gosh, I love your embroidered labels! Very pretty front ;0)

  3. Love your quilts. I wish I lived closer to you. Need to get my cousin to help me learn.

  4. Wow, I'm impressed, 2 months and 4 quilts! You are on a row...Good for you. You even got finished in time too. They look great and I really like the way you embroider onto the quilt instead of doing a label. I'm going to have to give that a try. Great work.
