
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

One More On the Pile

I hate this new blogger so far, just saying.   (I already hated it, but I really hate it now, as it just took away all except the first sentence of my post.  Do you think it can read?)
Anyway, to repeat what I was saying!
Yesterday in my sewing room (which is supposed to be getting neater and better with everything that is finished and out of here, but instead seems to be getting worse) I got tired of leftover batting pieces falling down every time the closet door is opened.    I decided that maybe I needed to do another quilt to use up the batting.  I racked my brain for an easy to finish up project and thought of the quilt center that my granddaughter had made.  I called my daughter and asked her if she thought that Tabitha (who works 2 jobs) would be happy, sad or mad if I finished it for her.  She guessed happy so I added the final border, butted batting and stitched, and made the binding and backing (another Target sheet bargain).  I like the sound of butted batting, it's kind of catchy.   One of the really good and unselfish quilters who shares patterns and tutorials says that she only uses 2 pieces of batting pieced and this one probably has a dozen, but I think that it will be ok, if not I guess I'll make myself feel better by telling myself that finished is better than perfect, hopefully Tabitha will agree, too.   First it was four in progress and one was finished and now it's back to four again.   It was nice to work with some girly fabrics though.


    1. Pretty quilt. Congrats on another finish! You are really getting em done! I use left over batting too and sew together. It works and no one can tell once it's covered and all together.

    2. Way to go Candace - you are on a roll!
      And your family photos ae great!
      Boy there are some serious curls in your daughters family - just beautiful! I bet they hate the curls too!!

    3. Good way to use your extra batting. I definitely think finished is better and she will be happy about it. I bet she will really appreciate it when she does have time to relax a little bit. With 2 jobs I bet that doesn't happen too often!

      Thanks for grabbing my button, it made my day!

    4. My first reaction when I saw it was, "She finally made a quilt for a girl!!" I love the bright colors. I'm sure she is thrilled--love the label. Who will be the recipient of the next quilt?

    5. How nice to have something else finished. Gertie has her new shoes on and is in the middle of getting a quilt quilted. Should have it all quilted by tomorrow. To bad you aren't closer I'd show you how to use the machine so you could have some of the fun I am having.


    6. Great job with all the finishes. Nice quilt.
