
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

2010 BOM BY AMY - Block 1,2,3 February

I think I'm more of a Yellow Brick Road type quilter than one who is used to being challenged, but Amy is changing that.
I enjoyed making these blocks, but I'm glad that it is one of each a month, I'm not craving to make a whole quilt out of any one of them yet, lol.
If Amy felt bad about having to do some ripping on the Florida block, she now has company, I ripped and ripped. I wasn't smart enough to try one before doing all four. I didn't learn my lesson the "first" time either.


  1. Ooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! Gosh, those fabrics are gorgeous! That 4th color for Blackford's Beauty is perfect!

    GOOD JOB!!!

  2. Your blocks are looking super, well worth taking out stitches and doing them again to get such perfect points. It looks as if you have the makings of a wonderful sampler quilt coming along.

  3. I love your colors for Amy's blocks. I was planning to do red, white and blue but your are tempting me to do something different.

  4. Gee were so fast :)
    I have even started to cut out yet!
    You blocks are really beautiful.
    Great job! It doesn't look like I'll be tackling the third/hard block :)

  5. They look FABULOUS! I haven't even cut mine out yet, but will be getting to that this weekend! Love your colors...thanks for the inspiration!

  6. Love your color choices! Two thumbs up!!

  7. Those blocks are fabulous. As much fun as it is to just get a whole top done, it has been fun to see everyone working on the blocks bit by bit each month. Your colors look great together, and will turn into a stunning quilt I am sure. Now you have inspired me to go tackle mine.

  8. Hello Candace, love your colour choice....I have set Sunday aside to make the blocks...hmmm not to keen on the ripping bit...Warm regards Lyn

  9. I can't believe you are already finished with your blocks! Girl, you are quick! Looking good! I love the colors. I hope to get to mine tomorrow. I'm like everyone else, I haven't even cut them out yet but plan on hitting the floor early to get started. Oh, isn't this fun?

  10. Oh, these are so pretty and well made. Great job!

  11. love the colours you have chosen.......the blocks look great......

  12. Nice patterns. Very well done. I think it's very nice. I love it!
