
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Housecleaning Day?

Today was supposed to be housecleaning day, but DH isn't feeling well, and I got sewing this morning and didn't stop. I guess the dust will still be there tomorrow.

I started out by cutting out my next 8 Paintbox Quilt-Along blocks, and then decided to cut 2 1/2 by 2 1/2 inch squares to sew together in Leaders and Enders. I used some today, and as you can see, I still have quite a few left in my basket for next time.
Here is my sewn together patches from today, a good start for something I think, but not sure what. Yesterday, I ordered Bonnie Hunter's new book "Leaders and Enders" and hopefully there is an idea for them in there.

Now, I am a little ahead on the quilt-along, I have the second weeks blocks done.
Next project is to hopefully finish the Monkey Quilt. MacKenzie and her parents are out of town now visiting her family, and it would be nice to have it done when they get back.


  1. Hope hubby is feeling better soon. You have really been a quilting girlfriend!! I am still miserable this is the worst hanging on thing I have had in years. Going back t Dr. on Mon. Hugs, Marie

  2. I'm so sorry to hear that your DH is feeling unwell, say hello and best wishes to him from me. What a super lot of sewing you've been managing, I hope you're getting lots of ideas for your squares.

  3. Hope things get back to normal soon.. Thanks for the comments and what is that block called..It is going together nicely and will look forward to rest of the blocks..Really like the colors too.

  4. Leaders and enders are a housecleaning of a different sort. It is a wonder what can come of all the "extras". A little extra thread and a little extra fabric over time can grow and grow.
