
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Step 2 Carolina (Iowa) Christmas Mystery - Bonnie Hunter

I can't believe it, I'm sort of keeping up and not lagging behind in the steps (yet). I am ready now for step 3, and it's a biggey.
Bonnie had miscalculated the neutrals a bit and so I made a trip to the LQS and got some Christmas lights on sale. There is still not much contrast between my lights and my gold, but I hope that the fact that the gold is not scrappy will still give it some contrast. Time will tell, that's the fun of a mystery.


  1. Hey Girlfriend,Love your progress for the Carolina christmas, I have printed the patterns but that is as far as I have gotten. I was so bummed out that we couldn't go to see my son for Thanksgiving that I have not done to much of anything. Now that I have the new chair and a new lease on life I am going to be able to consentate on things alot better I hope. HOpe for you and yours a beautiful Christmas holiday. HUgs, Marie

  2. Looks like you are making good progress on the mystery quilt. Looking forward to seeing your finished project.

  3. I love, love, love it! Maybe I'll get a photo of mine done tonight and post it on my blog. Gosh, I've not blogged in . . . . well a very long time! Great job (as always!).

  4. Hello Candace, looking forward to seeing your progress with Carolina (Iowa) Christmas Mystery.....on my to do list next year....Warm Regards Lyn
