
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Quilting Lesson Number Two for Tabitha

Today I'm sure that I was the envy of many a "quilting lady". I got to give my granddaughter her second quilting lesson and spend the day with her. She came over early and since it had been between one year and two since her first lesson, we discovered that although we had figured that all her blocks were done, we were actually about 7 blocks short. To explain the gap I'll mention that she has had 2 or 3 jobs at a time since, or has been going to school and working a job in between. She most recently was juggling 3 jobs, working at two different Wendy's and a Cracker Barrel, and now is the "lazy" worker of only two, as she gave up one of the Wendy's jobs. This week, she is on vacation from her remaining two jobs, and is hoping by the end of the year to be down to only one job and back in college. She turned eighteen this
past June.
She started her labors by trimming her blocks and then cutting out the new blocks.

Then she assembly line sewed for an hour or two, and her grandpa came home from some errands and we decided that we needed a field trip. We went and had lunch out and visited with each other (in the South that means that we chatted), and then we went to BJ's and did a little shopping. I got two new towels, DGD got new red house slippers and DH got laundry detergent, lol.
When we returned home, it was back to the sewing machine, and then after awhile DH went to the chiropractor and we decided that after she had sewn the blocks into pairs and ironed the seams and had them ready for the next step that we would have an imprompto not very elegant tea party. Just as we sat down, guess who came in the door, so I got him a cup too.

Below, are five of the seven rows, I think she did a great job. Tomorrow, she will be back and hopefully we will get the top finished. I told her she had 3 choices for finishing, send it out to the LA'er, quilt it herself on my Juki, or tie it. She is leaning toward a poofy bat, and tying it.

By the way, the pattern is Yellow Brick Road.


  1. How wonderful not only to be able to spend a day with your grand-daughter, but also that she is keen to sew a quilt for herself. I'm sure you had a great time - and the quilt is looking pretty good too; she should be very proud of what she has achieved.

  2. Hello Candace, thankyou for your kind thoughts for me...I loved reading your post about Tabitha's quilting Lesson...what a terrific...grandma you are to take the time to teach her....I have tried with our Jess and no avail....hugs lyn

  3. Hi there, so glad to see your post. I know how thrilled you are to spend time wiht her quilting.Lovely job she did. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Marie

  4. I think that is touching to have a granddaughter stop long enough to have a lesson from you. My daughter is 30 and made one baby quilt with me for her friend.
