
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Brillante Weblog Premio-2008

I have been nominated for the Brillante Weblog Premio-2008 award by Amanda of Amanda's Musings, Rhonda of Doxie's on My Quilt, and Deb of Somebody's Mum. It is so nice to have been accepted as a friend by such special people. Amanda was one of the first bloggers that I met, and we started blogging about the same time, I have learned a lot about a lot of things from her. Rhonda's blog is a delight and so is she, her quilts and her children and their adventures are always so interesting. Deb I have met a little more recently, but her blog is so interesting with her quilts, her little guy, and the pictures of winter when it is so hot and steamy here. Quilting bloggers are a wonderful thing.

The rules are as follows:
1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog/
2. Link to the person you received your award from
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4. Put links to those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of the people you have nominated.

My winners are:
I must preface this by saying that I don't really have favorite blogs, I have probably over 100 in my Google Reader, and I enjoy every one of them. I could take any and nominate them for any blogging award, I guess that these were just the lucky ones today. We all have our days when we have more or less to talk about and share, and sometimes there are e-mails going back and forth due to common interests, and sometimes it gets a little quieter. Unfortunately, the number is seven, and here they are:
Calidore Catherine- I enjoy reading about her family and their adventures, and of course seeing her quilts. She is one of my Australian friends, and I enjoy all their blogs so much, and learning about their country.
Four Wise Monkeys Rachel- What can I say, quilts, stitchery and cute kids.
Heart in His Hand Quilting Margo- Beautiful furnishings, beautiful quilts, Christmas has already started, and an adorable bluebird just to start.
I Live on a Farm Firefly- If you want to read a very heartwarming beautiful tribute go to her blog and read her post for today. Also, if you like kittens and flowers and beautiful things, starting with her own sweet face.
'Tis the Gift Tracy- She has beautiful quilts and a beautiful child, and puts in time doing such nice things like heading up the Mystery Quilters Blog ring, and organizing thank you's to Bonnie, etc.
Okperi's Place Perry- She has beautiful quilts, and a beautiful garden. Her blog is a pleasure to visit.
Applique Today Joanna- Cute kids, beautiful quilts, gardening and traveling. Lots of pretty scenery from out west, USA, although she was originally from New Zealand.
I haven't been able to include so many excellent blogs, written by special ladies who are quilters, but so involved in life, and who share a bit of that with us. I wish I could share my whole list. Wait a minute, I can, it's on the side of my blog, and they all deserve an award.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Candace! You certainly deserve this award. I love seeing your blog all the time.
