
Monday, April 7, 2008


I am the caretaker for my mother, who has lived with me for about 20 months, and been diagnosed with ALS for about 3 years. Since January she has been on hospice, and as of this past week-end she has been on critical care, and we have had a nurse in our home for the past 24 hours. They feel the end is near, and so I won't be working on anything for awhile, but hope to catch up sometime.
Hospice has been wonderful, and they make a hard time much easier for all concerned. They are keeping her sedated and as comfortable as possible.


  1. I am so sorry Candace. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. My heart goes out to you and your family. I recently went through Hospice with my aunt and it was incredibly rewarding for me as it allowed me to say goodbye and to know that I helped to give her comfort in the end of her life. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

  3. We had hospice care when my grandfather was in the final stages of cancer and they were truly a blessing. I wish you peace and comfort at this difficult time.

  4. You and your family are in my prayers. Hospice is wonderful! I don't know how I would have made it through two Grandparents in my home til the end without them. They are like angels walking amoung us. I even asked for donations to the Hospice instead of people sending flowers. You are wonderful to do what you are doing. There is no greater gift you can give her.

  5. How blessed your Mother is to have your loving care. My heart goes out to you. We will look forward to posts when you are able. Focus on Mother now.

  6. My heart and prayers go out to you. Hugs, Linda

  7. My thoughts and prayers are with you also.
    June NC

  8. Tracy, Pat, Debbie, Bitnbyaquiltingbug, LindaH, Linda and June,
    Thank you all so much for your prayers and kind words. She is still holding her own, but is being kept comfortable under sedation. It is a sad time, but she is ready to go.

  9. So sorry about your Mom -what a blessing for her to have a loving daughter with her to the end of her earthly journey.

  10. So sorry about your Mom -what a blessing for her to have a loving daughter with her to the end of her earthly journey.

  11. Candace -- I know how tiring this time can be. I have been through this waiting with my dad and father-in-law. Hospice is such a blessing. You are in my prayers! Barb C.

  12. Roslyn and BarbC,
    Thank you so much. I guess, if we live long enough we all have to go through sad times. Thank you for your prayers.

  13. My mother also died of ALS, in her 50's, 31 years ago this year. I am now a nurse and always choose these patients to care for. God bless you each day. I just found your blog, I am a quilter, too!
