
Thursday, September 30, 2010

I Almost Forgot

My Granddaughter-in-law sent me a picture of a cake that a friend of hers made.   I had forgotten until I saw a cricut for cakes on HSN as I was channel surfing, and it reminded me of it.  Pretty cute cake I think.
I wonder if she has a cricut?

A Little More Progress

 I have had distractions, but have gotten a bit done.  I have the backs made, just simple from sheets, the right for my brothers, flannel from Lands End and on the left for my nephew and grandson, 220 thread count from Target.  Quite a difference don't you think.  Not only that, I had looked up the dimensions on Lands End and cut the Target sheet first.   Unfortunately, Target's are 10 inches shorter and 10 inches skinnier.   A couple of extra seams, it would be farfetched to call them design elements, lol.  It's for a 22 year old single guy who lives with other guys and a dog.  I don't think he'll care too much.  All the names are machine embroidered on the backs, too.  The funny looking stuff is wash off stabilizer.
The picture below is all the parts assembled and ready to be put together.   Just need to get some finger cots to protect my right pointer finger from extreme pain (maybe a slight exaggeration) and I'll be ready to spend hours and hours basting.  Can you feel the love.  I'm anxious to get these done, as other projects are tempting me.   I need to keep on with my finish it up state of mind though, so I'll either bite the bullet and finish my monster quilt (Iowa Christmas) or finish up my Paintbox quilt.   The Paintbox quilt sounds like more fun, so that's probably what it'll be.

I had purchased a 30 yard roll of batting, and the last of these took the last and had to be pieced together with some leftover pieces.  I'm glad that it is getting used, but I sure hate to have to buy more.  The corner of my family room looks better though, lol.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Quilting in Bulk

I've been working on my Manly Quilts and have all the tops done and the bindings prepared.   Now on to the backs, labels, batting, basting, quilting, and bindings again.   Hey, this sounds like work, lol.

I changed the template on my blog and picked the books as I recently got one of the new more inexpensive Kindles.   I have read 3 books so far and am enjoying it a lot.   I probably have about 75 books on it now and have spent less than 5 dollars on books.   If only I could stay awake better, I could have probably read 10 books, lol.   I take medication every day that makes me sleepy and at times I keep dropping my Kindle which wakes me up.  Getting older is truly not for the weak.

I also got a thank you card for my 3 day baby quilt.
   Thank you for being so thoughtful.
   Thank you so much for the quilt you made for Dominic.
   It is absolutely beautiful.
     -Sarah and Dominic
Luckily, she hasn't seen some of the "absolutely beautiful"  quilts made by so many in blogland.  If so, she would have had to say it was cute, lol.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Great Mail Day

Yesterday our mail was delivered and I had the pleasure of receiving a stack of thank you cards from my niece's family. I made 3 quilts last year for her three smallest (and had already been thanked) and this summer had made quilts (which had been started a year or two previously) for her 4 oldest children. I just thought I'd share:

Logann (5), Maisyn (3), Kolbie (the baby)
Dear Aunt Candace,
Since we were all writing our thank yous the girls decided they would like to write you a letter too. They both say thank you for their quilts and for letting them play with your toys when we were down there last summer. They say it was fun and they enjoyed it. They also said they love you and they hope to see you again.
Love you,
Logann, Maisyn + Kolbie

Jensen (10)
Dear Aunt Candace,
Thank you for the quilt. It is very nice. I love all of the designs.

Morgan (12)
Dear Aunt Candace,
Thank you for the quilt it is really comfey and I think it is a cool design. (the one on the left)

Harper (14)
Dear Aunt Candace,
Thank you so much for the quilt. It is beautiful, it makes my rainbow room a lot better. And thank you for coming and getting me from the airport when I came down. I hope I get to see y'all again soon.

Dakota (16)
Dear Aunt Candace,
Thank you very much for the quilt. I appreciate you taking the time to make those things for us they are very nice. I use it every night and it's very good in the summer because its light and keeps me cool. It is also nice because I can keep my comforter on my bed so my room stays cleaner now. Well anyway how are you guys doing? I'm doing good, staying very busy with my various things I do. Well I will talk to you later hope to hear from you soon. (the one on the right)
Love you,

I was very touched and proud of them all. I think they did a great job, and not a single one called their quilt a blanket, lol.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Manly Quilts and Baby Quilt Label

My three day baby quilt is officially done done. I got the label made and sewn on, and now just have to check with my grandson to see if he prefers washed or not. I think that I prefer washed, especially for a baby.

My four manly quilt centers are done, now on to the borders. At least now they will be a little different one from another.

PS Dominic Carmine - do you think the little guy may have some Italian in there.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Three Day Baby Quilt

I got up early this morning (as usual) and worked on my deviation quilt and finished it up, except for a label. Three days is a record for me, even for a small quilt. Now that I've overcome my fear of basting and decided that I just needed to bite the bullet, I can actually finish things. It is 40 by48, and I wish that I'd made it a bit longer, but I guess that it will be ok for him until he is 3 or 4, unless he is a really big toddler. Not bad for a slacker and about 13 and a half hours, lol.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Deviating Again and Grandson's Band

My oldest grandson (25) mentioned that his new girlfriend's baby is turning one year old the middle of the month, so I got the urge to make a quilt for the little fellow. I used what I already had completely, and it may be a hodgepodge, but it is colorful and will be cuddly. I was kind of doubtful about using the sock monkey fabric as it has a pink background, but they are masculine looking monkeys, so I hope that his mom is ok with it. My grandson is supposed to check and make sure that he doesn't already have bunches of blankets and quilts, and if the answer is yes this one will be his. If he does, then I'll save it for another young lad (my FIL was English and that's what he called DH occasionally). It is 40" x 48". I got the idea from a baby quilt on, only they used 4 1/2 inch squares, and I wanted it bigger so I used 6 1/2 inch squares. It is a very easy one, and I figure I have about 11 hours into it now and it is basted and ready to quilt. I'm hoping that with quilting, label and binding (which is already made) that maybe I can finish it in a total of 15 hours. Not bad for a quilt from start to finish if I can do it.

I only had my cell phone camera with me, so these pictures are really bad, but 2 of these are my grandsons. They had a "gig" last night at a local restaurant/bar, and we went to see them. It was from 11 pm to 1 am, and we got home about 2 am. It's been a long time since DH and I were out at that hour, lol. They did really well and we were very proud of them. The one with the curly dark brown hair is 17 (playing guitar) and the one with curly red hair is 22 (also playing guitar). They both did a little singing also, and the 17 year old played a little drum.

Friday, September 3, 2010

One Center Down Three To Go

One center down, three to go, and then on to the borders.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Getting Going on my Manly Quilts

I've got four to finish before the end of next month, so I figured I'd better get started. They don't look like much now, but hopefully the finished product will be good. They'll be colorful anyway, but hopefully not too colorful, as I don't think most men like that.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Finished Nine Patch

My nine patch from Crazy Mom Quilt's quiltalong is finished and will be delivered today. It has its flaws, but I hope that she likes it, it will be a surprise. It is the last of the three that I had to do, and some time in the future I may do another, as DH said he thinks it is one of his favorites that I have made, and they are certainly easy enough.
Sorry again for the terrible lighting. I need to make an effort to take them outside, or at least in my sewing room, the lighting is better there.