
Thursday, March 19, 2009


DH and I have been doing well for us with walking. We walked 2 miles yesterday and today, and even ran a little. Those muscles haven't been stretched in a few years, and I jokingly told DD who is also walking with us that I thought my behind was having an attack, but I think it was just my unused muscles rebelling. We walk by the lake, and had really nice breezes so it isn't too hot. The pictures are a picture of the light on the dock refecting on the lake, and one of the ugliest squirrels ever. He is homely from his head to his scraggly little tail. He was enjoying his dinner though.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tampa Race

This past Sunday was a lot of fun. DH and I got up early and drove to Tampa to a state park to watch our son and our 2 grandsons run in a 5K race. They all did well, and I got to take pictures of the race and the way Florida really looks, or in many cases, with the advent of civilization looked.

It felt really good to be out in the cool and humidity of the spring morning, and made me feel like I may try to get in shape to do some walks or in my wildest dreams maybe a run. That is a long way from a physical possibility at this point, but could be a goal.
This second picture was a tree that I liked, and the third I just liked how the palm tree looked from the bottom looking up. Odd, but kind of neat.

Here is my son's oldest son just after he finished the race.

His youngest son wasn't far behind. His oldest doesn't run but does a lot of outside work and surfing, so he is in good shape, and the youngest amazed me, as he hasn't done a lot of running either, and has fought asthma most of his young life. I was very proud of them. My camera didn't cooperate when my son crossed the finish line, but he did well and was happy with his results. He has run in the past, but had gained weight and just started back running three weeks ago. He has been battling a lot of pain in his legs, but he has kept at it. (sorry, I haven't been able to delete the duplicate picture)

Here's the youngest getting a much needed rest.

More of the real Florida. The sun was still coming up.

These are the Wragg boy's, the oldest boy is DH.

My oldest grandson won this stainless steel mug for winning in his age group. His brother wasn't too far behind, so I think he may have won if they had had a prize for his age group.

All in all it was a very nice day, and I've volunteered to be the official photographer for any future races. I just hope they are all shady and cool like this one. (not likely in the Sunshine State)
We finished off the morning with a nice leisurely breakfast at Cracker Barrel, and then a long visit on their porch.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Few Little Things

My goodness, I can't believe it's been a month since my last post, bad bad blogger. I was going to blame it on my grandson and his visit, but he was only here for a week, so I guess that pops my balloon. The first picture is of him and his girlfriend and her children, they are quite a nice little family, and it was fun having them here. He's from Florida, but she is from Pennsylvania, and this was only her second trip out of state. She liked her visit well enough to consider moving here with him later this year. The children are my first little things, Ethan is 3 and Savanna is 2, and they were quite fun to go be tourists with. We went to Sea World and Old Town with them and it was fun to be around such little ones.
The next little thing is my new netbook, an Asus 1000he, it's just 10.2 inches and the battery lasts up to 9 hours. I think that it will be nice to take places and just to drag around the house. I will need my glasses, but I need them for books and labels and everything anyway, so that won't be any problem getting used to. It only weighs 3 pounds and will fit in a pocketbook (unless you carry little ones).

Here's my little Featherweight with the little pincushion that I won from A Redneck Dingbat Quilter. She had a fun word game on her blog, and I was fortunate enough to solve it. The pincushion is adorable, and just the right size for my machine.

I got this small wallet to hold my new carry in my purse camera. I have a camera, but it is so large that I find I either don't take it with me or get it out when things are going on and I got this one to have with me and ready to take pictures when they present themselves. No excuses now.
I'm still gearing up to quilt my little girl quilts, I just keep procrastinating. One of these days I'll have pictures of finished quilts.